In an Ice Age Solar Is Out and Wind Turbine Energy is Not Viable Using the Current Designs
It seems the alternative energy push is causing the United States of America to give tax incentives, rebates, and even Department of Energy research money in developing more solar power.
We also have an incredible investment in wind turbine generators.
However, many people have noticed that the winters have been quite cold and the natural wind flows have been somewhat erratic.
Are we really having a global warming climate period, or are we going into a cooling era or Ice Age? Now then, I am no conspiracy theorist, but the last thing we want to do if we go into an Ice Age is to have most of our energy brought to us using methods that won't work during severe cold periods.
What if the scientists are completely wrong, and the global warming alarmists with their agenda to sell energy credits, and CO2 carbon credits are actually 180-degrees incorrect? That would be a calamity indeed, a catastrophic mistake and cataclysmic error for humanity.
You see during an Ice Age the clouds would block the sun, and without the sun shining it would be dreary and darkened, therefore solar panels would not work very well at all would they? Yes, they would work a little, but not much better than they would at dusk or dawn.
And if there was not a lot of heat in the atmosphere the clouds would not move around fast and there wouldn't be a vast amount of wind.
Worse, the blizzards when the wind did finally blow would put ice on the propeller blades of the wind turbine generators, and as the ice slung off of them, it would cause an unbalancing effect.
The difference in weight on a propeller blade which you just dislodged a huge amount of ice, with one which still had its ice on it would cause the wind turbine generator to vibrate a part in a violent motion.
This means the current wind turbine generators we are building now cannot survive an Ice Age or extreme cold weather for long periods of time.
However, we know the burning of coal does work during cold periods or ice ages.
We also know that nuclear power would work during an Ice Age, and yet we are not spending a lot of money on clean coal technology research, or new nuclear power plants in the United States.
Perhaps we've made a critical error, and we need to re-adjust and think a new strategy rather than driving our civilization off a cliff by tripling the cost of energy.
Because if we do have an Ice Age the poor will not be able to keep themselves warm, and the government will have a lot less tax revenue.
Last time I checked starvation and freezing to death were not human's favorite way to check out.
Indeed, hope you'll please consider this, and if you have any concerns, comments, or questions please shoot me an e-mail at your earliest convenience.
We also have an incredible investment in wind turbine generators.
However, many people have noticed that the winters have been quite cold and the natural wind flows have been somewhat erratic.
Are we really having a global warming climate period, or are we going into a cooling era or Ice Age? Now then, I am no conspiracy theorist, but the last thing we want to do if we go into an Ice Age is to have most of our energy brought to us using methods that won't work during severe cold periods.
What if the scientists are completely wrong, and the global warming alarmists with their agenda to sell energy credits, and CO2 carbon credits are actually 180-degrees incorrect? That would be a calamity indeed, a catastrophic mistake and cataclysmic error for humanity.
You see during an Ice Age the clouds would block the sun, and without the sun shining it would be dreary and darkened, therefore solar panels would not work very well at all would they? Yes, they would work a little, but not much better than they would at dusk or dawn.
And if there was not a lot of heat in the atmosphere the clouds would not move around fast and there wouldn't be a vast amount of wind.
Worse, the blizzards when the wind did finally blow would put ice on the propeller blades of the wind turbine generators, and as the ice slung off of them, it would cause an unbalancing effect.
The difference in weight on a propeller blade which you just dislodged a huge amount of ice, with one which still had its ice on it would cause the wind turbine generator to vibrate a part in a violent motion.
This means the current wind turbine generators we are building now cannot survive an Ice Age or extreme cold weather for long periods of time.
However, we know the burning of coal does work during cold periods or ice ages.
We also know that nuclear power would work during an Ice Age, and yet we are not spending a lot of money on clean coal technology research, or new nuclear power plants in the United States.
Perhaps we've made a critical error, and we need to re-adjust and think a new strategy rather than driving our civilization off a cliff by tripling the cost of energy.
Because if we do have an Ice Age the poor will not be able to keep themselves warm, and the government will have a lot less tax revenue.
Last time I checked starvation and freezing to death were not human's favorite way to check out.
Indeed, hope you'll please consider this, and if you have any concerns, comments, or questions please shoot me an e-mail at your earliest convenience.