When Is A Cesarean Section Advisable Over A Vaginal Birth?
If it seems like more women are giving birth by cesarean section instead of a vaginal birth, they are.
Today almost 30% of babies are delivered via cesarean section and that's up from even 10 years ago.
Why is that? Is it based on need, convenience or something else? Let's take a look..
It used to be that all babies were born by vaginally, even when it was questionable as to how safe it was.
For example, if a baby was breech, the doctor did his/her best to reach inside and turn the child, sometimes that worked and sometimes it didn't.
There were even times when the child was too large, or the mother didn't dilate enough, or the pelvis didn't soften for delivery.
Both the mother and child suffered during a birth like this.
Today things have changed and Cesarean Sections are a common practice when it is not safe for the baby to be delivered vaginally.
But why are c-sections chosen over vaginal births? Well, one reason is fetal distress.
If the baby's heart rate drops during a contraction, that is a sign that the baby is experiencing fetal distress, the baby could be turned wrong or the umbilical cord could be wrapped around the neck cutting off blood supply and oxygen.
Another indication for a cesarean section is the baby may be too large to fit through the birth canal.
A woman with a small bone structure, narrow pelvis or a pelvis that doesn't soften or expand, may have trouble delivering a large baby.
Another concern is if the head is in the birth canal too long exposing the baby to brain damage or limited oxygen supply.
Vaginal Birth Unless the doctor determines that a cesarean is medically necessary, most babies are delivered vaginally, which for both mother and baby is less risky but also offers a few more benefits such as: * Less chance of infection * Shorter hospital stay * Shorter recuperation time * Less blood loss Of course the birth canal is the way that babies are naturally designed to be delivered and because of this there are natural benefits to both mom and baby.
The down side to a vaginal birth is the possibility of urinary or bowel incontinence.
Not all women experience this side effect of giving birth but it is a possibility.
Cesarean Birth Because a cesarean birth involves abdominal surgery you have the possibility of complications and risks, which is really a part of having any surgery.
For a cesarean section complications can include: * Bleeding (hemorrhage) * Infection * Scar tissue on the abdominal wall * Longer hospital stay and c-section recovery time * Possible bowel issues A mom giving birth for the first time doesn't usually elect to have a c-section, in this case a c-section will usually be unexpected and comes about because of the reasons discussed above, however for women who have had a c-section birth at least once they may elect to have another c-section simply because it can put mother and baby at risk.
There is the option however to have a vaginal birth after a c-section (VBAC) and more and more women are attempting VBAC's, however the option is not without controversy.
Many doctors and hospitals, even today won't allow VBAC's because of the dangers to mother and baby, even though the risk is small, most medical professionals are not comfortable with it.
Choosing a cesarean section because it seems more convenient, when there are no other indications for a c-section, is normally not recommended by health care professionals.
If you believe a c-section is more convenient than a vaginal birth, make a thorough study of the possible complications before you decide which birthing method is right for you and your baby.
Today almost 30% of babies are delivered via cesarean section and that's up from even 10 years ago.
Why is that? Is it based on need, convenience or something else? Let's take a look..
It used to be that all babies were born by vaginally, even when it was questionable as to how safe it was.
For example, if a baby was breech, the doctor did his/her best to reach inside and turn the child, sometimes that worked and sometimes it didn't.
There were even times when the child was too large, or the mother didn't dilate enough, or the pelvis didn't soften for delivery.
Both the mother and child suffered during a birth like this.
Today things have changed and Cesarean Sections are a common practice when it is not safe for the baby to be delivered vaginally.
But why are c-sections chosen over vaginal births? Well, one reason is fetal distress.
If the baby's heart rate drops during a contraction, that is a sign that the baby is experiencing fetal distress, the baby could be turned wrong or the umbilical cord could be wrapped around the neck cutting off blood supply and oxygen.
Another indication for a cesarean section is the baby may be too large to fit through the birth canal.
A woman with a small bone structure, narrow pelvis or a pelvis that doesn't soften or expand, may have trouble delivering a large baby.
Another concern is if the head is in the birth canal too long exposing the baby to brain damage or limited oxygen supply.
Vaginal Birth Unless the doctor determines that a cesarean is medically necessary, most babies are delivered vaginally, which for both mother and baby is less risky but also offers a few more benefits such as: * Less chance of infection * Shorter hospital stay * Shorter recuperation time * Less blood loss Of course the birth canal is the way that babies are naturally designed to be delivered and because of this there are natural benefits to both mom and baby.
The down side to a vaginal birth is the possibility of urinary or bowel incontinence.
Not all women experience this side effect of giving birth but it is a possibility.
Cesarean Birth Because a cesarean birth involves abdominal surgery you have the possibility of complications and risks, which is really a part of having any surgery.
For a cesarean section complications can include: * Bleeding (hemorrhage) * Infection * Scar tissue on the abdominal wall * Longer hospital stay and c-section recovery time * Possible bowel issues A mom giving birth for the first time doesn't usually elect to have a c-section, in this case a c-section will usually be unexpected and comes about because of the reasons discussed above, however for women who have had a c-section birth at least once they may elect to have another c-section simply because it can put mother and baby at risk.
There is the option however to have a vaginal birth after a c-section (VBAC) and more and more women are attempting VBAC's, however the option is not without controversy.
Many doctors and hospitals, even today won't allow VBAC's because of the dangers to mother and baby, even though the risk is small, most medical professionals are not comfortable with it.
Choosing a cesarean section because it seems more convenient, when there are no other indications for a c-section, is normally not recommended by health care professionals.
If you believe a c-section is more convenient than a vaginal birth, make a thorough study of the possible complications before you decide which birthing method is right for you and your baby.