How to File for Hardship After a Student Loan Wage Garnishment
- 1). Print the "Request for Hearing and Financial Disclosure Statement" forms from the Department of Education website (see Resources).
- 2). Fill out the request for hearing form and check the option on the first page to request a hearing because wage garnishment would cause financial hardship.
- 3). Fill out all lines on the "U.S. Department of Education Financial Disclosure Statement" (see resources). Enter zero on any line that does not apply to you.
- 4). Make photocopies of documentation to show your financial situation. These documents include your two most recent pay stubs from each job a member of your household works, last year's tax return for each member of your household, a copy of your mortgage or lease agreement and a copy of each bill you received for the most recent month showing the amount due.
- 5). Mail both completed forms and all supporting documentation to:
U.S. Department of Education
AWG Hearings Unit
P.O. Box 617547
Chicago, IL 60661-7547