How to Set Up Communion
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A wipe-down with the dishcloth will ensure the table is clean.Jupiterimages/ Images
Prepare the communion table by cleaning the surface with a damp cloth. The table should ideally be waist-level and have enough room to hold the jugs for the wine and juice and tray for the bread. Some religions use a colored tablecloth for the communion table. - 2). Clean the jugs and tray thoroughly with warm water and detergent. Leave to air dry, or hand dry with a dishcloth.
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Many congregations use red grape juice for communion.Jupiterimages/ Images
Pour the red wine into the jug, then pour the grape juice into the other jug. The grape juice is for children and people who do not drink alcohol. Some religions use a decorated gold or silver jug to hold the wine. Mormons use water instead of red wine. - 4). Wash your hands with soap and water, and dry them with a clean towel. Place the bread onto the cutting board. Some religions use only unleavened bread while for others the type of bread is not an issue. Slice the bread into small chunks, and make sure that there is enough pieces for all of the participants. Place the bread chunks onto the tray, and place the tray onto the table next to the jugs.