Koi Care - The Easy Way
One of the most fascinating and attractive fish breeds in the world today are the Koi.
They are not related to the goldfish, but are mutated carp- Koi-, which were once kept by Japanese farmers in the rice fields.
Now thousands of people are breeding Koi in freshwater pools and ponds all over the world.
Its delicate beauty and long span of life are just some of the reasons, why this fish is so preferred as a pet, especially when it is going to last through 5 human generations! So all you have to do is adorn your outdoor pond with these fascinating Koi and there you are with ready-made and fascinating conversation pieces for all your guests at all your parties.
When the rice farmers in Japan found out that the ordinary carp was mutating into a very attractive assortment of colors like silver, green, black, blue, yellow, white, red, as well as Orange, with the colors changing according to the food, weather and the environment, they did not know that the world was being given another natural gift to grace their aquariums and ponds.
Now Koi care is not going to be very troublesome, especially as Koi are rather social fishes and manage to rub together with other fishes, as long as those fishes are not smaller than the Koi.
That might be too much of a temptation for a Koi, who might decide to make a meal of them.
A normal Koi pond is going to be about of 500 gallons capacity.
That is because Kois need Place and space to grow.
Make sure that there is enough space for them to move about freely and the pond does not get overloaded with happily growing Koi.
One has to be very careful about the quality of the water.
You do not want your expensive Koi's health to be jeopardized with stale, chlorinated and dirty water, do you? Large ponds are going to dilute the fish waste products, so the Koi are going to remain healthier.
You will also have to look at the temperature of your water, which means it should be between 61 -- 75°F.
No wonder the Koi love the winter season.
The pond should be at least 3 feet deep.
Now, one has to be very careful, during the winter, when it is the hibernating season.
As the metabolism of the fish slows down, their digestive system is going to almost shut down.
So the moment, the temperature hits 50°F, stop feeding your Koi.
Any food left in its tummy during the winter is going to spoil because it is not going to be digested.
And the best thing about keeping Koi is that you do not have to worry about their being harmed in the cold season, if you are living in an area where your pond does not freeze over completely.
With a little bit of care you are going to be amply rewarded with a fish for all seasons, and which is going to give you a lot of pleasure.
Not only is it going to be a focus point in your garden, but also, your Koi are going to give much needed attractive flashes of color to the bland Blue water of your fish pond.
They are not related to the goldfish, but are mutated carp- Koi-, which were once kept by Japanese farmers in the rice fields.
Now thousands of people are breeding Koi in freshwater pools and ponds all over the world.
Its delicate beauty and long span of life are just some of the reasons, why this fish is so preferred as a pet, especially when it is going to last through 5 human generations! So all you have to do is adorn your outdoor pond with these fascinating Koi and there you are with ready-made and fascinating conversation pieces for all your guests at all your parties.
When the rice farmers in Japan found out that the ordinary carp was mutating into a very attractive assortment of colors like silver, green, black, blue, yellow, white, red, as well as Orange, with the colors changing according to the food, weather and the environment, they did not know that the world was being given another natural gift to grace their aquariums and ponds.
Now Koi care is not going to be very troublesome, especially as Koi are rather social fishes and manage to rub together with other fishes, as long as those fishes are not smaller than the Koi.
That might be too much of a temptation for a Koi, who might decide to make a meal of them.
A normal Koi pond is going to be about of 500 gallons capacity.
That is because Kois need Place and space to grow.
Make sure that there is enough space for them to move about freely and the pond does not get overloaded with happily growing Koi.
One has to be very careful about the quality of the water.
You do not want your expensive Koi's health to be jeopardized with stale, chlorinated and dirty water, do you? Large ponds are going to dilute the fish waste products, so the Koi are going to remain healthier.
You will also have to look at the temperature of your water, which means it should be between 61 -- 75°F.
No wonder the Koi love the winter season.
The pond should be at least 3 feet deep.
Now, one has to be very careful, during the winter, when it is the hibernating season.
As the metabolism of the fish slows down, their digestive system is going to almost shut down.
So the moment, the temperature hits 50°F, stop feeding your Koi.
Any food left in its tummy during the winter is going to spoil because it is not going to be digested.
And the best thing about keeping Koi is that you do not have to worry about their being harmed in the cold season, if you are living in an area where your pond does not freeze over completely.
With a little bit of care you are going to be amply rewarded with a fish for all seasons, and which is going to give you a lot of pleasure.
Not only is it going to be a focus point in your garden, but also, your Koi are going to give much needed attractive flashes of color to the bland Blue water of your fish pond.