Types of Vampires in Vampire Wars
- More animalistic in nature, the Primeval vampire is designed for fighting. Primeval vampires regenerate health faster than the other vampire types, gaining one health point every two minutes. The other vampires regenerate one health point every three minutes. Losing all your health points causes your character to die and sacrifices experience, so being able to generate health points more quickly can be a valuable advantage.
- Noble vampires are more charming than their Primeval counterparts and use their intelligence to quickly gain special abilities. Noble vampires also draw increased blood flow from their minions, allowing them to gain power faster. Minions pay blood tribute to Noble vampires once every 54 minutes, as opposed to once every 60 minutes, which is the standard blood flow rate. And in Vampire Wars, blood is money. You can use the blood given to you by your minions to replenish your health or learn new skills.
- The Modern vampire type regenerates one energy point every 3 minutes and 30 seconds, a full 1 minute and 30 seconds faster than the Primeval or Noble vampires. This extra energy boost makes Modern vampires better at performing missions, such as destroying a circle of warlocks, eliminating street gangs or fighting a vampire slayer. Completing missions allows you to earn blood, gain experience and even acquire valuable rare items. If you're uncertain which vampire type to choose, the Modern vampire provides a safe choice, with its energy abilities making it a versatile option. In some cases, the game may even make Modern the default vampire selection.
- It's important to evaluate each vampire type's strengths and weaknesses before designing your character, because your choice will dictate your best game strategy going forward. If you decide you'd like to change your vampire type, you may do so by visiting an elder and paying favor points. Vampires earn favor points for mastering missions, achieving trophies and leveling up. However, favor points can be the game's most valuable currency, even more valuable than blood, so you don't want to squander them on a change of vampire type unless absolutely necessary.