Twitter to Better Business Networking
Understanding the value of Twitter without experiencing it is a pretty big leap.
My own initial reaction was: "what a waste of time.
How can sending 140 character updates of what you're doing, and reading others updates possibly add any value to anyone?" Finally enough of my higher profile professional friends were talking about it that I couldn't ignore it anymore.
Once I joined it literally took me about 15 minutes to understand the true value of Twitter for the professional: Twitter for the professional networker is about deepening relationships and "being in the loop.
" I see one of my best friends, who also happens to be a fantastic networker, about once a week.
As soon as I started following him on Twitter I saw the value.
Every time we see each other even though it's only been a week there's a bunch of catch-up that needs to happen.
Now that we both follow each other on Twitter we each have visibility into most of the details of what's happened during the week.
Instead of that catch-up period we're able to immediately take a deep dive into the specifics and how we can help each other.
The impact on already close relationships is impressive.
The ability to deepen looser connections and relationships is even bigger.
Imagine you and I have met a time or two, but have never had the opportunity to really sit down and get to know each other.
This happens all the time and frequently it's because one or both of us are just too darn busy to find a time to get together.
Now, what if we start following each other on Twitter and we each can begin to get an idea of what goes on around us each and every day.
Not just at work either.
Many of us provide updates after hours and on weekends and you can gain real insights into what's important in people's lives; family, hobbies, favorite sports, etc.
Now when we do finally connect we're able to do so at a much deeper level.
Twitter is a relationship deepener like none other I've ever seen.
Following a variety of interesting people on Twitter can also bring you incredible visibility.
Right now Twitter is the land of the early adopter.
These are the folks that find all of the cool technologies first.
By following these people you can learn about unbelievable tools you never would have known about otherwise.
The same is true for events.
There have been conferences that I've wanted to attend but couldn't.
By following a number of attendees I practically felt like I was at the event and was able to glean many of the information nuggets without having to invest the time.
I've never felt as 'in the loop' as I do since I've started using Twitter.
Do yourself a favor and begin exploring Twitter today (www.
With any luck you'll be just as surprised as I was.
Happy Networking!
My own initial reaction was: "what a waste of time.
How can sending 140 character updates of what you're doing, and reading others updates possibly add any value to anyone?" Finally enough of my higher profile professional friends were talking about it that I couldn't ignore it anymore.
Once I joined it literally took me about 15 minutes to understand the true value of Twitter for the professional: Twitter for the professional networker is about deepening relationships and "being in the loop.
" I see one of my best friends, who also happens to be a fantastic networker, about once a week.
As soon as I started following him on Twitter I saw the value.
Every time we see each other even though it's only been a week there's a bunch of catch-up that needs to happen.
Now that we both follow each other on Twitter we each have visibility into most of the details of what's happened during the week.
Instead of that catch-up period we're able to immediately take a deep dive into the specifics and how we can help each other.
The impact on already close relationships is impressive.
The ability to deepen looser connections and relationships is even bigger.
Imagine you and I have met a time or two, but have never had the opportunity to really sit down and get to know each other.
This happens all the time and frequently it's because one or both of us are just too darn busy to find a time to get together.
Now, what if we start following each other on Twitter and we each can begin to get an idea of what goes on around us each and every day.
Not just at work either.
Many of us provide updates after hours and on weekends and you can gain real insights into what's important in people's lives; family, hobbies, favorite sports, etc.
Now when we do finally connect we're able to do so at a much deeper level.
Twitter is a relationship deepener like none other I've ever seen.
Following a variety of interesting people on Twitter can also bring you incredible visibility.
Right now Twitter is the land of the early adopter.
These are the folks that find all of the cool technologies first.
By following these people you can learn about unbelievable tools you never would have known about otherwise.
The same is true for events.
There have been conferences that I've wanted to attend but couldn't.
By following a number of attendees I practically felt like I was at the event and was able to glean many of the information nuggets without having to invest the time.
I've never felt as 'in the loop' as I do since I've started using Twitter.
Do yourself a favor and begin exploring Twitter today (www.
With any luck you'll be just as surprised as I was.
Happy Networking!