How to Become an Organized Mom
- 1). Take baby steps and remember to breathe. Don't take on too much at one time or it will be difficult to accomplish the tasks. Pick one thing a day to accomplish, such as cleaning out one closet or running one errand.
- 2). Make a to-do list and write down everything you'd like to accomplish, even the things that seem trivial. A list can get things off your mind so you are not worrying about everything that needs to get done. A list also gives you a sense of accomplishment when you cross out an item.
- 3). Get a calender and write in all appointments you have for the entire family. Do not overbook; keep it simple and easy for you to accomplish.
- 4). Put everything in its place. It will save you a lot of work and effort down the road if you put something back where it belongs when you are no longer using it. This is also something you can teach your kids to do with their toys.
- 5). Get help from family and friends. Consider taking turns with other moms watching the children so you have a day to yourself to get things done. Or have the entire family pitch in and reward your family at the end of the day for good work, such as with ice cream or a movie.