Using the Internet to Grow Your Courier Business
For many people in the delivery business, having an online presence to gain more courier jobs is often interpreted as having a website. While it is indeed instrumental to growing your business, the reality is that just having a website alone may not be enough.
Here are a few steps you can take to maximizing your website and web presence in order to win more customers, and more courier jobs!
What a Website Can't Do
When it comes to having a website, many people are under the impression that "if you build it, they will come". But getting your site to help you attract courier jobs will require a little more work than that. Having a website does not automatically mean people will find it. With billions of sites on the web, there is no guarantee that your potential customers will end up on your site without any help.
Getting Potential Customers To Your Website
The most common method for people to find websites for services they need is through search engines - this is true also for courier jobs. People put in a search phrase, such as "deliveries to Brixton" or "couriers in Trent" into a search engine such as Google, Bing and Yahoo and, if you're properly optimised, your site will show up in the results.
Manage Your Profile. There are simple steps to help this along, such as making sure your business profile data including name, address, type of business (description), list of products and services, areas served, payment rates and more are available in national data providers, online yellow pages and local search engines. There are steps online to do this yourself, and online services that help you do this efficiently.
Optimise Your Website For Search. Given that courier jobs [] are already time-consuming and occupy a lot of time, this is an arduous task best left to professionals, involving steps like keyword research; developing relevant local content; writing unique, compelling page titles and meta tags; implementing search-friendly navigation; and building link popularity (to name just a few critical tasks). The most crucial job that you can do yourself, however, is to make sure to incorporate local search phrases across web pages and properly utilise contact information throughout the site.
Chances are greater that people will find you from other, more active sites. These include Facebook group pages, haulage exchanges, delivery auction sites, courier fora and the like. Being active on these industry sites and business groups as well as local business organizations will help drive people to your website, where, if you present yourself well, may convince them to give you their business.
Here are a few steps you can take to maximizing your website and web presence in order to win more customers, and more courier jobs!
What a Website Can't Do
When it comes to having a website, many people are under the impression that "if you build it, they will come". But getting your site to help you attract courier jobs will require a little more work than that. Having a website does not automatically mean people will find it. With billions of sites on the web, there is no guarantee that your potential customers will end up on your site without any help.
Getting Potential Customers To Your Website
The most common method for people to find websites for services they need is through search engines - this is true also for courier jobs. People put in a search phrase, such as "deliveries to Brixton" or "couriers in Trent" into a search engine such as Google, Bing and Yahoo and, if you're properly optimised, your site will show up in the results.
Manage Your Profile. There are simple steps to help this along, such as making sure your business profile data including name, address, type of business (description), list of products and services, areas served, payment rates and more are available in national data providers, online yellow pages and local search engines. There are steps online to do this yourself, and online services that help you do this efficiently.
Optimise Your Website For Search. Given that courier jobs [] are already time-consuming and occupy a lot of time, this is an arduous task best left to professionals, involving steps like keyword research; developing relevant local content; writing unique, compelling page titles and meta tags; implementing search-friendly navigation; and building link popularity (to name just a few critical tasks). The most crucial job that you can do yourself, however, is to make sure to incorporate local search phrases across web pages and properly utilise contact information throughout the site.
Chances are greater that people will find you from other, more active sites. These include Facebook group pages, haulage exchanges, delivery auction sites, courier fora and the like. Being active on these industry sites and business groups as well as local business organizations will help drive people to your website, where, if you present yourself well, may convince them to give you their business.