Domestic Violence Counseling - Breaking the Cycle of Abuse is a Conscious Choice Abusers Can Make
Some people will tell you that abusers are "mean" people.
But, often they are hurt people without the awareness of their pain or the skills to deal with their feelings in a way that is personally satisfying and relationship-enhancing.
Striking another person doesn't really feel good to batterers even though they may show a sense of pleasure in and over their assault.
And the net result of their abusive behaviors destroys relationships.
Domestic Violence Counseling Reveals the Choice to Be Abusive or Not What can your abusive partner do in the place of striking you physically, emotionally or verbally when that urge to do so overcomes him? This is a common question that abusers ask in domestic violence therapy.
Early on they may grasp that their hurtful actions arise out of their feeling vulnerable.
The automatic and reflexive abusive innuendo, gesture, commentary or physical blow shifts the energy, keeping the abuser's pain at bay.
Oftentimes he may not even realize he is doing it...
until brought to his attention by his partner or the domestic abuse intervention therapist.
Once he becomes aware of his hurtful actions, the question becomes: "How can I stop that?" "I don't want to hurt her.
" Feelings and Needs Underneath the Abusive Behavior When we walk an interaction backwards, we can find the feeling that preceded the abusive action.
And this feeling has an accompanying unmet need.
Part of the work of domestic abuse therapy is to help the batterer identify and express these feelings and the unmet needs.
From here, he can learn alternative behaviors that enhance the relationship instead of destroying it.
Non-abusive Actions that Express Unmet Needs Enhance Relationships The goal is to find an action that helps him fulfill the unmet need without violating the other person.
The net result of such an action makes him feel better and makes the relationship deeper, stronger and more satisfying for both people.
If you are in an abusive relationship, seek to find appropriate domestic violence counseling to help your partner acquire non-abusive interaction habits that enhance rather than destroy your relationship.
But, often they are hurt people without the awareness of their pain or the skills to deal with their feelings in a way that is personally satisfying and relationship-enhancing.
Striking another person doesn't really feel good to batterers even though they may show a sense of pleasure in and over their assault.
And the net result of their abusive behaviors destroys relationships.
Domestic Violence Counseling Reveals the Choice to Be Abusive or Not What can your abusive partner do in the place of striking you physically, emotionally or verbally when that urge to do so overcomes him? This is a common question that abusers ask in domestic violence therapy.
Early on they may grasp that their hurtful actions arise out of their feeling vulnerable.
The automatic and reflexive abusive innuendo, gesture, commentary or physical blow shifts the energy, keeping the abuser's pain at bay.
Oftentimes he may not even realize he is doing it...
until brought to his attention by his partner or the domestic abuse intervention therapist.
Once he becomes aware of his hurtful actions, the question becomes: "How can I stop that?" "I don't want to hurt her.
" Feelings and Needs Underneath the Abusive Behavior When we walk an interaction backwards, we can find the feeling that preceded the abusive action.
And this feeling has an accompanying unmet need.
Part of the work of domestic abuse therapy is to help the batterer identify and express these feelings and the unmet needs.
From here, he can learn alternative behaviors that enhance the relationship instead of destroying it.
Non-abusive Actions that Express Unmet Needs Enhance Relationships The goal is to find an action that helps him fulfill the unmet need without violating the other person.
The net result of such an action makes him feel better and makes the relationship deeper, stronger and more satisfying for both people.
If you are in an abusive relationship, seek to find appropriate domestic violence counseling to help your partner acquire non-abusive interaction habits that enhance rather than destroy your relationship.