How to Act Indifferent Around Your Ex and Make Them Wonder About You? Here Is How You Can Do It
Breaking up is something we all hate, and it's no fun at all.
Some people though, are not too concerned as the relationship was not serious at all.
How do you show your ex that the breakup didn't bother you though? Clear Your Thoughts Your true feelings towards your ex are going to come out once you see them again.
You should, at all cost, avoid this from happening.
Concentrate on something else and try to not let them see any emotion besides happiness.
Don't think about the past; instead think about the present and how happy you are.
Show Expression While you shouldn't completely show them you are miserable, show them that you are OK and that you are just getting on with your life.
If they see you looking sad and depressed, they are going to know you are sad because you miss them.
Don't Act Too Emotional or Too Rude If you are trying to show your ex that you are better off without them, act it.
Be happy and bouncy and maybe brag about how well you are doing without him.
If you show them that you are nervous around them, they may get the impression you are following them.
You also don't want to act like a basket case and emotional.
Show Confidence Even if you still feel something for your ex, don't let them see it at all.
This is key to getting them to want you back if that is what you are trying to do.
If not, then the more confident you act, the better off you will be.
Keep Your Distance If you are really still crushing your ex, the best thing to do is to stay as far away from them as you can.
If you are trying to get over them, this is going to be rather simple.
If you are looking to get them back, doing this can make them wonder what you are doing and will make them chase you.
Let Go of the Past If the relationship is over once and for all, the best thing for you to do is to just let go and say goodbye to it.
You should not hold onto something that will never be there again.
You are going to drive yourself crazy holding on.
Improve Your Looks You should work on how you look to make your ex jealous and wonder what is going on.
This can be something as simple as a new hairdo, new clothes, and even something as simple as getting a tan.
Some people though, are not too concerned as the relationship was not serious at all.
How do you show your ex that the breakup didn't bother you though? Clear Your Thoughts Your true feelings towards your ex are going to come out once you see them again.
You should, at all cost, avoid this from happening.
Concentrate on something else and try to not let them see any emotion besides happiness.
Don't think about the past; instead think about the present and how happy you are.
Show Expression While you shouldn't completely show them you are miserable, show them that you are OK and that you are just getting on with your life.
If they see you looking sad and depressed, they are going to know you are sad because you miss them.
Don't Act Too Emotional or Too Rude If you are trying to show your ex that you are better off without them, act it.
Be happy and bouncy and maybe brag about how well you are doing without him.
If you show them that you are nervous around them, they may get the impression you are following them.
You also don't want to act like a basket case and emotional.
Show Confidence Even if you still feel something for your ex, don't let them see it at all.
This is key to getting them to want you back if that is what you are trying to do.
If not, then the more confident you act, the better off you will be.
Keep Your Distance If you are really still crushing your ex, the best thing to do is to stay as far away from them as you can.
If you are trying to get over them, this is going to be rather simple.
If you are looking to get them back, doing this can make them wonder what you are doing and will make them chase you.
Let Go of the Past If the relationship is over once and for all, the best thing for you to do is to just let go and say goodbye to it.
You should not hold onto something that will never be there again.
You are going to drive yourself crazy holding on.
Improve Your Looks You should work on how you look to make your ex jealous and wonder what is going on.
This can be something as simple as a new hairdo, new clothes, and even something as simple as getting a tan.