What"s Wrong With the Nobel Prize Committee?
Over the years, I've received lots of awards and accolades.
In sports I always collected lots of hardware, after all, I was good and I played to win.
Many years later I realized that much of the prizes, certificates, trophies, plaques, honors, and awards were really not for me, but rather for those groups to prove their self-worth by associating with achievement, mainly mine.
What's unfortunate is that I was doing all the work and they were getting an uplift in reputation, one they did nothing for.
Worse, they were stroking my ego to get me to do their bidding, to work harder and make them look good, and it is amazing how much credit these coaches, teams, industry associations, academics, and leaders would take.
Now then, in semi-retirement, I run a think tank and on our application form, I have a notation that tells applicants that "we do not accept Noble Prize Winners.
Not long ago, someone had asked me why I put that there; 1.
Was it a Tongue and Cheek Joke? 2.
Was I Serious, and If So Why? 3.
Was I Trying to Say that the Nobel Prizes Were Too Political? Well, I feel those questions are valid and yes, I'd say all three apply, but let me explain my thinking on the whole Nobel Prize thing.
You see, we don't accept Noble Prize winners because the committee only gives economic awards to socialist thinkers, and because they gave Obama a noble prize he didn't deserve for political reasons, at least Obama was wise enough and man enough to say "thanks" but "I don't deserve it yet.
" That was true.
Did someone who was more worthy at the time for actual achievement deserve it instead? I guess we will never know, but some of the nominees were quite achieved in that year for a Peace Prize.
The Nobel Committee also gave one to Al Gore, who did not create the internet or do mankind any good with the global warming alarmism.
The Nobel Committee claimed they gave it to him for the awareness he brought to the public.
Interesting way to play it, especially considering Gore's family owed coal-fired assets and were involved with the Tennessee River Valley Authority back in the day, so that's a little hypocritical, not to mention he sold his so-called eco-network to Al Jazeera.
Yes, my reasoning is also tongue and cheek, but in a way making a statement too.
A noble prize winner in Quantum Mechanics, Medicine, or some real science would be a different story, not that any noble prize winner is out looking for any more associations or think tanks to join anyway.
Do you see my thinking on this? Please consider all this and think on it.
In sports I always collected lots of hardware, after all, I was good and I played to win.
Many years later I realized that much of the prizes, certificates, trophies, plaques, honors, and awards were really not for me, but rather for those groups to prove their self-worth by associating with achievement, mainly mine.
What's unfortunate is that I was doing all the work and they were getting an uplift in reputation, one they did nothing for.
Worse, they were stroking my ego to get me to do their bidding, to work harder and make them look good, and it is amazing how much credit these coaches, teams, industry associations, academics, and leaders would take.
Now then, in semi-retirement, I run a think tank and on our application form, I have a notation that tells applicants that "we do not accept Noble Prize Winners.
Not long ago, someone had asked me why I put that there; 1.
Was it a Tongue and Cheek Joke? 2.
Was I Serious, and If So Why? 3.
Was I Trying to Say that the Nobel Prizes Were Too Political? Well, I feel those questions are valid and yes, I'd say all three apply, but let me explain my thinking on the whole Nobel Prize thing.
You see, we don't accept Noble Prize winners because the committee only gives economic awards to socialist thinkers, and because they gave Obama a noble prize he didn't deserve for political reasons, at least Obama was wise enough and man enough to say "thanks" but "I don't deserve it yet.
" That was true.
Did someone who was more worthy at the time for actual achievement deserve it instead? I guess we will never know, but some of the nominees were quite achieved in that year for a Peace Prize.
The Nobel Committee also gave one to Al Gore, who did not create the internet or do mankind any good with the global warming alarmism.
The Nobel Committee claimed they gave it to him for the awareness he brought to the public.
Interesting way to play it, especially considering Gore's family owed coal-fired assets and were involved with the Tennessee River Valley Authority back in the day, so that's a little hypocritical, not to mention he sold his so-called eco-network to Al Jazeera.
Yes, my reasoning is also tongue and cheek, but in a way making a statement too.
A noble prize winner in Quantum Mechanics, Medicine, or some real science would be a different story, not that any noble prize winner is out looking for any more associations or think tanks to join anyway.
Do you see my thinking on this? Please consider all this and think on it.