How to Improve My Vertical Jump With Elasitc Bands
- 1). Ride an exercise bike for 5 to 10 minutes, walk or jog lightly to get your muscles warmed up and your blood flowing before you begin exercising.
- 2). Stretch out your leg muscles --- calves, quadriceps and hamstrings --- after warming up, to help reduce the risk of injuring yourself during your workout.
- 3). Perform elastic band squats, which will strengthen your leg muscles, by standing on the band with your feet shoulder-width apart and one end of the band in each hand. Bend into a squat position, as though you're sitting down in a chair, keeping your back straight as you squat and raise back up. To increase the resistance, hold the band higher in each hand.
- 4). Attach one end of the band to your foot and loop the other end over your shoulder to create a resistance workout that will isolate the muscles you use for the vertical jump. Crouch down as though you're getting ready to jump, and explode back upward as though you're going to jump, but without leaving the floor. You'll feel the muscles working as you repeat this motion.