Reasons Why Online Businesses Need a Facebook Fan Page
Facebook has become a major trend for both young and old internet users.
With over 300 million internet active users, it's unquestionable that it's the most popular social networking site today.
This makes Facebook an ideal place for companies to promote their business and look for prospective customers through using its most used businesses application and that's "Fan Page".
Fan Page is one of the most effective business applications of Facebook that can be used by companies to reach their potential or targeted customers.
It would be a big loss for an online business if they don't create and establish their own one.
With Fan page, a business can get a lot of benefits and here are some of them: Build Trust and Credibility One of the importance of setting up a business page on Facebook is it helps build trust and credibility of a company.
Through fan page, it lets them make a connection with people on a personal level.
This is important to earn the trust of costumers and let them know how credible a company is.
However, fan pages should go hand in hand with company's website since both are necessary to help establish a business connection with future clients.
Easy Way to Update Fans or Customers Another benefit of creating a fan page is it's a useful way of a company to update their fans or customers.
They can easily inform them what's new on their services or products by posting a message, a photo, a link or video on their status update.
They can also create discussions anything about their company or respond on the discussion created by customers to answer their concerns or inquiries.
They can even send messages directly to customers or clients to personally update them about their latest promos or discounts.
Give Traffic for your Site A lot of Search Engine Optimization Experts from their SEO Company maximize the use of Facebook pages to give referrals or traffic for their website.
With the power of News Feed, a fan who liked a certain fan page can able to read all its updates on his news feed without visiting the actual fan page.
So it's important for Page Admins to create an enticing title and description on their status updates so that fans would become interested to click and visit the link of their company's website.
Search Engine Optimization Purposes According to SEOmoz Blog, "Bing and Google have confirmed that links shared through Twitter and Facebook have a direct impact on search engine rankings.
These links are evaluated based on a person or entity sharing them through a score Google Calls Author Authority and Bing calls Social Authority".
So if more credible people talk about your business on Facebook and Twitter, then this can give a positive impact on your rankings.
It's for FREE Creating a Fan Page is so easy, simple and the best of all, it's for FREE.
It only takes a few minutes to finish it.
But it is recommended to update it regularly with something that may be of value to fans or audience so that they would stick to be as loyal fans.
There are a lot of competitors in the business world, if you want to stay afloat, then one must get ahead over everyone else.
One must make a name and Facebook fan page is the answer.
With over 300 million internet active users, it's unquestionable that it's the most popular social networking site today.
This makes Facebook an ideal place for companies to promote their business and look for prospective customers through using its most used businesses application and that's "Fan Page".
Fan Page is one of the most effective business applications of Facebook that can be used by companies to reach their potential or targeted customers.
It would be a big loss for an online business if they don't create and establish their own one.
With Fan page, a business can get a lot of benefits and here are some of them: Build Trust and Credibility One of the importance of setting up a business page on Facebook is it helps build trust and credibility of a company.
Through fan page, it lets them make a connection with people on a personal level.
This is important to earn the trust of costumers and let them know how credible a company is.
However, fan pages should go hand in hand with company's website since both are necessary to help establish a business connection with future clients.
Easy Way to Update Fans or Customers Another benefit of creating a fan page is it's a useful way of a company to update their fans or customers.
They can easily inform them what's new on their services or products by posting a message, a photo, a link or video on their status update.
They can also create discussions anything about their company or respond on the discussion created by customers to answer their concerns or inquiries.
They can even send messages directly to customers or clients to personally update them about their latest promos or discounts.
Give Traffic for your Site A lot of Search Engine Optimization Experts from their SEO Company maximize the use of Facebook pages to give referrals or traffic for their website.
With the power of News Feed, a fan who liked a certain fan page can able to read all its updates on his news feed without visiting the actual fan page.
So it's important for Page Admins to create an enticing title and description on their status updates so that fans would become interested to click and visit the link of their company's website.
Search Engine Optimization Purposes According to SEOmoz Blog, "Bing and Google have confirmed that links shared through Twitter and Facebook have a direct impact on search engine rankings.
These links are evaluated based on a person or entity sharing them through a score Google Calls Author Authority and Bing calls Social Authority".
So if more credible people talk about your business on Facebook and Twitter, then this can give a positive impact on your rankings.
It's for FREE Creating a Fan Page is so easy, simple and the best of all, it's for FREE.
It only takes a few minutes to finish it.
But it is recommended to update it regularly with something that may be of value to fans or audience so that they would stick to be as loyal fans.
There are a lot of competitors in the business world, if you want to stay afloat, then one must get ahead over everyone else.
One must make a name and Facebook fan page is the answer.