Jumpstart Your Attitude
No matter how good life is, it is never easy.
Days are filled with situations, issues and plain old problems.
Some days are more difficult than others.
Sometimes we have to play the waiting game...
waiting for a call, a result, plans to be made, acceptance to something important.
We all know about the waiting game.
We have been play it for most of our lives.
Even as little kids waiting to be picked up from school or for a special friend to call.
Sometimes we end up with joy and sometimes with disappointment.
This goes on most of our lives.
It is just a basic fact of life.
What can we do to counteract life's tribulations? The first thing is do not expect to wake up every day full of joy and happiness.
The reality of life is that it is just not like that.
People who have a strong belief in God, the universe or whom or whatever they believe in are the happiest...
well at least the most peaceful.
Some people react everything and others seem to let the day just happen...
I have found that the happiest people are not the ones who have the most or who have accomplished the most.
Somewhere along the way they just accept life and roll with the punches.
Others get disturbed by everything.
Any change or upset in plans set them into a dither.
Life does not always go according to plan...
actually it mostly does not.
So lets figure some simple ways to deal with life...
and jumpstart our attitude.
Gratitude is the most important thing.
Give thanks more than one time per day, even if the day is not going the way you want.
Life is ever changing.
Today things seem disappointing and difficult.
Tomorrow can often bring a great solution or something special.
I have learned this more than once from personal experience.
-Take a long walk.
Nothing perks the mood like getting outside and walking regardless of the weather.
-Call a good friend and share your feelings.
Women are much better at this then men are.
-Want to lose some weight start today with a healthy plan.
-Your closets and drawers in a shambles take the time to clean them out.
-Make some fun plans with your spouse, friend or a new acquaintance.
-Start a new book.
That is a favorite pick me up of mine as I love to read.
-Better yet get out an old "self-help" book and read it.
Be sure to make a cup of your favorite tea or coffee.
Here are just a few suggestions.
Nothing is difficult here nor will it cost you money.
Days are filled with situations, issues and plain old problems.
Some days are more difficult than others.
Sometimes we have to play the waiting game...
waiting for a call, a result, plans to be made, acceptance to something important.
We all know about the waiting game.
We have been play it for most of our lives.
Even as little kids waiting to be picked up from school or for a special friend to call.
Sometimes we end up with joy and sometimes with disappointment.
This goes on most of our lives.
It is just a basic fact of life.
What can we do to counteract life's tribulations? The first thing is do not expect to wake up every day full of joy and happiness.
The reality of life is that it is just not like that.
People who have a strong belief in God, the universe or whom or whatever they believe in are the happiest...
well at least the most peaceful.
Some people react everything and others seem to let the day just happen...
I have found that the happiest people are not the ones who have the most or who have accomplished the most.
Somewhere along the way they just accept life and roll with the punches.
Others get disturbed by everything.
Any change or upset in plans set them into a dither.
Life does not always go according to plan...
actually it mostly does not.
So lets figure some simple ways to deal with life...
and jumpstart our attitude.
Gratitude is the most important thing.
Give thanks more than one time per day, even if the day is not going the way you want.
Life is ever changing.
Today things seem disappointing and difficult.
Tomorrow can often bring a great solution or something special.
I have learned this more than once from personal experience.
-Take a long walk.
Nothing perks the mood like getting outside and walking regardless of the weather.
-Call a good friend and share your feelings.
Women are much better at this then men are.
-Want to lose some weight start today with a healthy plan.
-Your closets and drawers in a shambles take the time to clean them out.
-Make some fun plans with your spouse, friend or a new acquaintance.
-Start a new book.
That is a favorite pick me up of mine as I love to read.
-Better yet get out an old "self-help" book and read it.
Be sure to make a cup of your favorite tea or coffee.
Here are just a few suggestions.
Nothing is difficult here nor will it cost you money.