Dear Liberal Bloggers, Guess What?
The President of the United States of America should not be subjected to scoundrels who sit in the peanut gallery under screen name identities and talk trash about our Great Nation, Military or Commander in Chief.
For those who do not approve of the war, resorting to name calling and slandering our nation is not productive and it further divides the American People.
We need to go and kill every single international terrorist, insurgent and all their supporters where ever in the world they hide.
Better there than here, if the liberal crowd cannot handle reality, well I suggest you go and talk with some soldiers who have just gotten back from Iraq or visit ground zero in NYC.
You may think it is trendy to talk smack about someone you have never met and hide behind a computer screen like wimps, but you do no good to this nation in doing so.
We need to get tough on the enemy and we need heads on stakes.
This liberal sentiment is ass backwards from what this nation stands for and for those who take up the back stabbing of the commander in chief you ought to think twice about how hard that job is in this day and age of political correctness.
Consider all this in 2006.
For those who do not approve of the war, resorting to name calling and slandering our nation is not productive and it further divides the American People.
We need to go and kill every single international terrorist, insurgent and all their supporters where ever in the world they hide.
Better there than here, if the liberal crowd cannot handle reality, well I suggest you go and talk with some soldiers who have just gotten back from Iraq or visit ground zero in NYC.
You may think it is trendy to talk smack about someone you have never met and hide behind a computer screen like wimps, but you do no good to this nation in doing so.
We need to get tough on the enemy and we need heads on stakes.
This liberal sentiment is ass backwards from what this nation stands for and for those who take up the back stabbing of the commander in chief you ought to think twice about how hard that job is in this day and age of political correctness.
Consider all this in 2006.