Present Day News Is So Boring.
Instead of giving American Citizens hope and confidence in the United States, the networks continue to paint a bad picture of doom and gloom.
I can remember as a boy, times were different then, technology was still in its infancy, and what was happening today, we only learned of the following days. It was a much easier time in which to live. Life was difficult, but there was hope in the future. Trust is a word that means something. The Wall Street Gang, Corporate America, CEO's and Congress could be trusted. Those days will never come this way again. It's everybody for themselves which is a terrible indictment on the world today. Hopefully, American will come to its senses and return to the principals of Christianity, Charity, Brotherhood, and the regard of one's fellowman.
The further down the slippery slope that we slide it becomes harder and harder to have hope for a bright and happy tomorrow. We can only hope that human beings will once again become human beings and not animals which much of society has become. In the words of a wise old man, now is the time to come to the aid of one's country. We cannot spend our way to a brighter and happier tomorrow.
The economy will certainly improve by itself, without the help of congress spending on silly ear marks and pork. It is time for conservative America to speak up and be heard. We have to recover the opportunity, through the vote, of being able to become once again a nation with intergrity and principles and not just a nation controlled by a group of people who have completely lost their sense of direction. A group of people who have their own interest at heart and not the Nation's. For Congress to vote to spend billions on frivolus items such as grass for the national monument, STD control, planned parenthood, and many more that we can not afford at this point in time.
I can remember as a boy, times were different then, technology was still in its infancy, and what was happening today, we only learned of the following days. It was a much easier time in which to live. Life was difficult, but there was hope in the future. Trust is a word that means something. The Wall Street Gang, Corporate America, CEO's and Congress could be trusted. Those days will never come this way again. It's everybody for themselves which is a terrible indictment on the world today. Hopefully, American will come to its senses and return to the principals of Christianity, Charity, Brotherhood, and the regard of one's fellowman.
The further down the slippery slope that we slide it becomes harder and harder to have hope for a bright and happy tomorrow. We can only hope that human beings will once again become human beings and not animals which much of society has become. In the words of a wise old man, now is the time to come to the aid of one's country. We cannot spend our way to a brighter and happier tomorrow.
The economy will certainly improve by itself, without the help of congress spending on silly ear marks and pork. It is time for conservative America to speak up and be heard. We have to recover the opportunity, through the vote, of being able to become once again a nation with intergrity and principles and not just a nation controlled by a group of people who have completely lost their sense of direction. A group of people who have their own interest at heart and not the Nation's. For Congress to vote to spend billions on frivolus items such as grass for the national monument, STD control, planned parenthood, and many more that we can not afford at this point in time.