How to Donate a Body to Science in Illinois
- 1). Research and decide on which Illinois facility you wish to donate to. Each organization, such as the Anatomical Gift Association, Northern Illinois University, and Southern Illinois University, has criteria regarding whole body donations. For example, Southern Illinois University does not except bodies weighing more than 200 lbs. or taller than 6 feet 2 inches.
- 2). Contact the organization of your choosing and request donation forms. These forms are also available online.
- 3). Notify next of kin or the legal executor of your estate about your decision to donate your body to science. They will be charged with arranging with a funeral director to have your unembalmed remains forwarded to the chosen organization.
- 4). Fill out the forms, including information regarding the disposition of the donor's ashes following the facility's use of the cadaver. The donor may choose to have disposal arranged by the accepting organization or forwarded to a recipient of the donor's choosing.
- 5). Arrange for witnesses to sign and date the form. Some organizations, such as the Anatomical Gift Association and Northern Illinois University, require that witnesses be non-family members. Additionally, consent forms may also require the signature of next of kin.
- 6). Copy the completed form. Keep one copy for your personal records and mail a copy to the receiving institution. The organization will send a donor wallet card and further information upon receiving the completed form.