Why Choose Ground Over Air Transportation
Imagine how people used to travel in the ancient period. They would walk for hours, days, or even weeks just to reach to other places. They don't seem to mind back then. However, they started thinking of ways to make traveling a lot faster by inventing things that would help them.
In the earlier times, the people's first means of transportation were walking and swimming. As years went by, they began domesticating animals and used them to make travelling faster and more convenient. The beasts were also used to help carry heavy loads like sacks of rice, crops, and others; horses and oxen were the first animals to be used as means to reach a destination across long distances. Furthermore, humans ride these animals to save time. Then, the wheel, sled, and rowed and sailed vessels were invented to help traveling more efficient. People could not only travel on land but also on the seas and oceans.
As engineering has evolved, paved roads were built by many civilizations around the world including Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley Civilization. On the other hand, the Persian and Roman empires constructed stone-paved roads to allow armies to travel more quickly. Builders used deep roadbeds of crushed stone underneath to ensure that the roads were kept dry. It was only in the medieval Caliphate when tar-paved roads were built.
Moreover, as humans travel on seas as well, the first watercrafts called canoes were created from tree trunks. The ships were then invented later which carried more people to different places in a matter of time. As the transportation systems became more efficient, trade and industry also grew and flourished - this began the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. In addition, in this era, the first highways were constructed with macadam. Later, tarmac and concrete were used as common paving materials.
Steam engines were soon developed that became a great use to both land and sea transportations. Animals were no longer needed and humans' effort became lesser and lesser; people operated these engines to move from place to place. They also sped up globalization of the other countries. Eventually, combustion engines and the automobiles emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. These innovations made road transport more viable allowing the introduction of mechanical private transports. It was in 1903 when the first controllable airplane was invented and that it became a fast way to transport people and express goods over long distances after World War I.
In the earlier times, the people's first means of transportation were walking and swimming. As years went by, they began domesticating animals and used them to make travelling faster and more convenient. The beasts were also used to help carry heavy loads like sacks of rice, crops, and others; horses and oxen were the first animals to be used as means to reach a destination across long distances. Furthermore, humans ride these animals to save time. Then, the wheel, sled, and rowed and sailed vessels were invented to help traveling more efficient. People could not only travel on land but also on the seas and oceans.
As engineering has evolved, paved roads were built by many civilizations around the world including Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley Civilization. On the other hand, the Persian and Roman empires constructed stone-paved roads to allow armies to travel more quickly. Builders used deep roadbeds of crushed stone underneath to ensure that the roads were kept dry. It was only in the medieval Caliphate when tar-paved roads were built.
Moreover, as humans travel on seas as well, the first watercrafts called canoes were created from tree trunks. The ships were then invented later which carried more people to different places in a matter of time. As the transportation systems became more efficient, trade and industry also grew and flourished - this began the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. In addition, in this era, the first highways were constructed with macadam. Later, tarmac and concrete were used as common paving materials.
Steam engines were soon developed that became a great use to both land and sea transportations. Animals were no longer needed and humans' effort became lesser and lesser; people operated these engines to move from place to place. They also sped up globalization of the other countries. Eventually, combustion engines and the automobiles emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. These innovations made road transport more viable allowing the introduction of mechanical private transports. It was in 1903 when the first controllable airplane was invented and that it became a fast way to transport people and express goods over long distances after World War I.