How to Find Permanent Health Insurance Quotes
- 1). Decide on the type of plan that you want. Do you want one that offers co-pays and gives you a list of preferred providers or would you prefer the traditional type of plan that allows you to see any doctor? If you're healthy, you might consider a plan with high deductible or one that has a high deductible and a health care savings account.
- 2). Evaluate your personal health. Not all insurance companies accept all risks. If you have a history of a disease or condition within the last 5 years, look for companies that consider people with those conditions. There are health carriers that accept a diabetic if everything else looks okay. The American Diabetes Association has links to carriers that might accept you. If you have a specific condition, go to a website that supports that condition or illness and see if they have suggestions for health insurance.
- 3). Choose a plan that fits your budget. Even though you might like a specific plan that pays everything, you'll often find that it doesn't fit into your budget. Look for a plan that contains the most essentials that you require. Some plans also have a limited amount of prescription drug insurance.
- 4). Talk to agents. Find out what they suggests for your budget. This doesn't necessarily mean that you'll buy from them, but it does give you some expert opinions. Health insurance policies and coverages are difficult to understand and a personal touch often helps.
- 5). Select the final type of plan that you want and compare rates with all companies. Be very specific on your needs when you ask for a quote. Get everything in writing. Make sure that you are comparing the same types of policies.
- 6). Don't miss a source for a quote. Your local auto insurance company, life insurance company and even your financial planner often carry health insurance. Sometimes you get a break on the price of other products when you buy with them. Take that into consideration. You might also check online with companies that do business in your state. You can find a list by going to your Department of Insurance website. In addition, many state departments have a list of companies and compare them by the number of complaints they received