Is There an Upside to High Blood Pressure? - Sure There Is!
If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure then you have already had the speech from your doctor about the dangers of the condition and hopefully, the need to change your lifestyle to manage and reverse the disease.
If you are one of the unfortunates who's doctor immediately placed them on medication, it's going to be a little more difficult for you to see the silver lining that hypertension can bring.
High blood pressure kills.
That's a pretty good motivation to make the needed changes in your life.
Some will argue that millions still smoke, but smoking takes years to develop cancer and it is a remote threat not foremost in the smokers' mind.
Being diagnosed with HBP is like the smoker who was just told he has cancer.
It is in the here and now, not some distant point in the future.
So what's the upside? The upside is that the cure for HBP involves a diet rich in potassium, low in sodium, high in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids.
It's got plenty of fiber and requires full hydration.
It focuses on fresh food rather than processed food.
It calls for low fat dairy products and a reduction in fats.
In other words, it matches the suggested diets for ailments like colon cancer, to heart disease to hemorrhoids.
By treating your HBP you are strengthening your defenses against other diseases.
And, you are going to look better! The diet was not designed to be a weight loss diet, but if you are overweight, you will loose weight.
The diet will help and when it's coupled with the exercise routine you will have to formulate, not only will you loose weight, you'll tone up as well.
Diet and exercise are important elements in reversing high blood pressure but they are relatively easy to do with just minor tweaks (unless you are addicted to Burger King) in lifestyle.
Stress, which is the third leg in the cure, requires more work.
If you can master stress management, keep to your diet and exercise routines, then not only will you reverse the HBP but you will look better and feel better than before you were diagnosed.
You will have literally taken your health lemon and made lemonade.
If you are one of the unfortunates who's doctor immediately placed them on medication, it's going to be a little more difficult for you to see the silver lining that hypertension can bring.
High blood pressure kills.
That's a pretty good motivation to make the needed changes in your life.
Some will argue that millions still smoke, but smoking takes years to develop cancer and it is a remote threat not foremost in the smokers' mind.
Being diagnosed with HBP is like the smoker who was just told he has cancer.
It is in the here and now, not some distant point in the future.
So what's the upside? The upside is that the cure for HBP involves a diet rich in potassium, low in sodium, high in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids.
It's got plenty of fiber and requires full hydration.
It focuses on fresh food rather than processed food.
It calls for low fat dairy products and a reduction in fats.
In other words, it matches the suggested diets for ailments like colon cancer, to heart disease to hemorrhoids.
By treating your HBP you are strengthening your defenses against other diseases.
And, you are going to look better! The diet was not designed to be a weight loss diet, but if you are overweight, you will loose weight.
The diet will help and when it's coupled with the exercise routine you will have to formulate, not only will you loose weight, you'll tone up as well.
Diet and exercise are important elements in reversing high blood pressure but they are relatively easy to do with just minor tweaks (unless you are addicted to Burger King) in lifestyle.
Stress, which is the third leg in the cure, requires more work.
If you can master stress management, keep to your diet and exercise routines, then not only will you reverse the HBP but you will look better and feel better than before you were diagnosed.
You will have literally taken your health lemon and made lemonade.