10 Warning Signs That You"re Ready for a Career Transition
You dread getting out of bed and going to work.
But suppose you were in a job or profession that feeds your spirit.
Just imagine how exciting it would be to jump out of bed and step right into it every single day! 2.
You're exhausted, whether you've had no sleep or seven to eight hours of sleep.
Your perception of life in general can often be skewed when you're not rested.
So it's important that you have the energy and vitality to enjoy your life.
You also need energy to enhance your productivity.
Your ideal profession or job needs to give you an energy rush, not drain you.
You watch the clock at work, longing for quitting time.
Wouldn't it be cool if instead you could say, "Wow, where did all the time go! I can't believe it's already 5:00!"? Envision it now! 4.
You're not getting any fulfillment out of your work.
You'd be surprised how many people actually get paid for what they love to do.
Why not be one of them? 5.
You're not sure what you should do, but you do know that your current job isn't doing it for you anymore.
Take some time to list the gifts, talents, and interests that excite you.
Now, imagine a job where you could use all of those ingredients every day! 6.
You're finding that the job culture conflicts with your values and belief system.
Self-awareness is a worthwhile exercise.
If you're already clear on your values and belief systems, it's time to manifest the job or profession that is in line with them.
You have a burning desire to try something new.
Being restless can often be a good thing if you let it work for you.
Use it to investigate exciting new opportunities.
As Les Brown says, "You've got to be hungry!" 8.
You have adverse physical reactions to going to work (such as digestive problems, headaches, insomnia, etc.
You probably have heard variations on the old saying, "If you don't have your health, then you don't have much else.
" Equally true is that "If you don't have your health, you can't enjoy all that you've worked for.
" You deserve so much more.
You're intrigued by others' careers and job descriptions.
If this is true, then I say go with it and start doing some research.
Ask those people whose careers intrigue you to allow you to interview them, and ask for permission to tape them.
You'd like more control of your emotions and more freedom/autonomy.
"Oh oh oh oh what a feeling!" I'm quoting an old Toyota commercial that some of you may be too young to remember.
But picture a man jumping for joy as high as he can with the look of excitement and pure joy on his face.
To have total control...
autonomy in a job or profession you love and are totally fulfilled...
Close your eyes and envision it! If you agreed with at least five out of ten of these warning signs, you might want to consider changing your situation.
A mentor, counselor, or career coach can help point you to the right resources and wholeheartedly support you in choosing, changing, preparing for, advancing, and reaching your career goals.
Copyright © 2004, Power-Ed Solutions, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
You dread getting out of bed and going to work.
But suppose you were in a job or profession that feeds your spirit.
Just imagine how exciting it would be to jump out of bed and step right into it every single day! 2.
You're exhausted, whether you've had no sleep or seven to eight hours of sleep.
Your perception of life in general can often be skewed when you're not rested.
So it's important that you have the energy and vitality to enjoy your life.
You also need energy to enhance your productivity.
Your ideal profession or job needs to give you an energy rush, not drain you.
You watch the clock at work, longing for quitting time.
Wouldn't it be cool if instead you could say, "Wow, where did all the time go! I can't believe it's already 5:00!"? Envision it now! 4.
You're not getting any fulfillment out of your work.
You'd be surprised how many people actually get paid for what they love to do.
Why not be one of them? 5.
You're not sure what you should do, but you do know that your current job isn't doing it for you anymore.
Take some time to list the gifts, talents, and interests that excite you.
Now, imagine a job where you could use all of those ingredients every day! 6.
You're finding that the job culture conflicts with your values and belief system.
Self-awareness is a worthwhile exercise.
If you're already clear on your values and belief systems, it's time to manifest the job or profession that is in line with them.
You have a burning desire to try something new.
Being restless can often be a good thing if you let it work for you.
Use it to investigate exciting new opportunities.
As Les Brown says, "You've got to be hungry!" 8.
You have adverse physical reactions to going to work (such as digestive problems, headaches, insomnia, etc.
You probably have heard variations on the old saying, "If you don't have your health, then you don't have much else.
" Equally true is that "If you don't have your health, you can't enjoy all that you've worked for.
" You deserve so much more.
You're intrigued by others' careers and job descriptions.
If this is true, then I say go with it and start doing some research.
Ask those people whose careers intrigue you to allow you to interview them, and ask for permission to tape them.
You'd like more control of your emotions and more freedom/autonomy.
"Oh oh oh oh what a feeling!" I'm quoting an old Toyota commercial that some of you may be too young to remember.
But picture a man jumping for joy as high as he can with the look of excitement and pure joy on his face.
To have total control...
autonomy in a job or profession you love and are totally fulfilled...
Close your eyes and envision it! If you agreed with at least five out of ten of these warning signs, you might want to consider changing your situation.
A mentor, counselor, or career coach can help point you to the right resources and wholeheartedly support you in choosing, changing, preparing for, advancing, and reaching your career goals.
Copyright © 2004, Power-Ed Solutions, Inc.
All Rights Reserved