Why Women Crave Alpha Men (And How to Be One)
If you want to succeed in the dating game, you will definitely need to read this article.
You see, women (especially the extremely beautiful ones) are never attracted to a man who they feel is LOWER value than them.
They will only desire a man who they feel is of higher value and has something to offer.
In other words, if you want to seduce the sexiest women in the club, you need to become an real man...
an alpha man.
Read on.
Ambition Most guys think that being an alpha man has to do with being the strongest, meanest guy in the room.
This is totally wrong.
An alpha man is a guy who takes FULL responsibility for his reality (his life) and is always working to improve himself as a man.
One of the key traits of an alpha man is ambition.
It really is no surprise why ambition is the number one thing women are attracted to in a man.
Alpha men give their life direction.
They set lofty goals for themselves and then do everything in their power to achieve the, (while enjoying the journey).
A key concept here is that alpha men NEVER obsess about women.
Rather than women being a key 'target' in their lives, they become a side effect of their hard work and genuine personality.
High Value Being an alpha man IS being high value.
You cannot have one without the other.
You can't fake high value either.
You either are, or you aren't.
So how can you become high value? It's actually pretty simple.
High value comes from ceasing external validation and granting yourself unlimited internal validation.
This is the point where you will stop trying to impress women and instead seek to EXPRESS yourself to women.
A Code You need to figure out your principles in order to be an alpha man.
What type of things do you stand up for? What do you truly believe in? A carefully defined set of principles is what will give your life substance and meaning.
This is what will lead women to be massively attracted to you.
They will see a man who is on his path.
One who is a REAL man and completely congruent.
You see, women (especially the extremely beautiful ones) are never attracted to a man who they feel is LOWER value than them.
They will only desire a man who they feel is of higher value and has something to offer.
In other words, if you want to seduce the sexiest women in the club, you need to become an real man...
an alpha man.
Read on.
Ambition Most guys think that being an alpha man has to do with being the strongest, meanest guy in the room.
This is totally wrong.
An alpha man is a guy who takes FULL responsibility for his reality (his life) and is always working to improve himself as a man.
One of the key traits of an alpha man is ambition.
It really is no surprise why ambition is the number one thing women are attracted to in a man.
Alpha men give their life direction.
They set lofty goals for themselves and then do everything in their power to achieve the, (while enjoying the journey).
A key concept here is that alpha men NEVER obsess about women.
Rather than women being a key 'target' in their lives, they become a side effect of their hard work and genuine personality.
High Value Being an alpha man IS being high value.
You cannot have one without the other.
You can't fake high value either.
You either are, or you aren't.
So how can you become high value? It's actually pretty simple.
High value comes from ceasing external validation and granting yourself unlimited internal validation.
This is the point where you will stop trying to impress women and instead seek to EXPRESS yourself to women.
A Code You need to figure out your principles in order to be an alpha man.
What type of things do you stand up for? What do you truly believe in? A carefully defined set of principles is what will give your life substance and meaning.
This is what will lead women to be massively attracted to you.
They will see a man who is on his path.
One who is a REAL man and completely congruent.