Throwing A Baby Shower When The In-Laws Don"t Get Along
Baby showers are a beautiful thing, they are a time to gather together to shower an expecting or new mom with love and support, and a few gifts to help her on her way too.
But, when the families don't get along, they can turn into a real nightmare.
So what do you do if you want to have a baby shower, don't want relatives to have their feelings hurt by not being invited, but are afraid of what will happen if you get them all in the same room? There are several options you can take.
The best option for you will depend on your personality and also how bad the dispute is.
The first option is for you, or someone they love, to call and let them know that the shower is going to take place.
Let them know that the other person will also be attending.
Explain that you would really like both parties to come, but that it would really upset you and maybe even ruin the day if they were to start fighting.
Let them know that if they do not feel they can be together without fighting, that you will understand when they don't come, but that if they do choose to come, you need them to play nice for the day.
If they do come, be sure that anytime you have assigned seating they are not put near each other.
Another option is to have two showers.
This is a really good option if it is two sides of the family that don't get along.
Have a shower with each side, invite friends that you think will fit in well with that side, or invite your friends to one shower and have the other be for just family.
Either way, you will save yourself the arguing, keep everyone happy, be able to celebrate with them both, and have 2 wonderful showers.
A final option is to not invite the arguing parties at all.
You can send hem a nice note, or just pretend like the day never happened.
This may be the only option if the person dislikes you and is going to make you miserable at your shower.
Keep in mind though that this is likely to cause some hurt feelings and may make a bad situation worse.
In the end, it comes down to what you feel comfortable with.
Don't sacrifice an important day in your life to bickering relatives.
Especially when you are probably already sensitive from the hormones coursing through your body.
But, when the families don't get along, they can turn into a real nightmare.
So what do you do if you want to have a baby shower, don't want relatives to have their feelings hurt by not being invited, but are afraid of what will happen if you get them all in the same room? There are several options you can take.
The best option for you will depend on your personality and also how bad the dispute is.
The first option is for you, or someone they love, to call and let them know that the shower is going to take place.
Let them know that the other person will also be attending.
Explain that you would really like both parties to come, but that it would really upset you and maybe even ruin the day if they were to start fighting.
Let them know that if they do not feel they can be together without fighting, that you will understand when they don't come, but that if they do choose to come, you need them to play nice for the day.
If they do come, be sure that anytime you have assigned seating they are not put near each other.
Another option is to have two showers.
This is a really good option if it is two sides of the family that don't get along.
Have a shower with each side, invite friends that you think will fit in well with that side, or invite your friends to one shower and have the other be for just family.
Either way, you will save yourself the arguing, keep everyone happy, be able to celebrate with them both, and have 2 wonderful showers.
A final option is to not invite the arguing parties at all.
You can send hem a nice note, or just pretend like the day never happened.
This may be the only option if the person dislikes you and is going to make you miserable at your shower.
Keep in mind though that this is likely to cause some hurt feelings and may make a bad situation worse.
In the end, it comes down to what you feel comfortable with.
Don't sacrifice an important day in your life to bickering relatives.
Especially when you are probably already sensitive from the hormones coursing through your body.