Home Remedies for Heartburn in Pregnancy
- If you are suffering from heartburn during pregnancy, simply chew about seven almonds during your flareups. Make sure they are unsalted almonds as salted almonds can actually cause more heartburn.
- Try mixing 1/2 tsp. of baking soda and 1/2 glass of water together. Make sure to buy the baking soda that specifically states (on the box) that it can be used as an antacid. Note that baking soda is high in sodium. If you are swelling a lot during your pregnancy, this may not be a good remedy for you.
- You can also mix 1/2 tsp. cream of tarter and 1/2 tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink 1 tsp. of the mixture to help relieve your heartburn. Again, if you are retaining a lot of water, baking soda may not be good for you. Cream of tartar is an excellent method for absorbing acid.
- Unsalted soda crackers will work wonders for heartburn during pregnancy. They will soak up the acid in your stomach, thus helping to reduce acid indigestion. Two ingredients found in soda crackers are biocarbonate (from soda) and cream of tarter. Those two ingredients will help neutralize the acids in your stomach. They also work well for nausea.
- Avoiding spicy foods is one of the easiest ways to prevent heartburn during your pregnancy. Your digestive system slows down a lot during pregnancy, so eating foods that contain a lot of spicy seasonings will take even longer for a pregnant person to digest and will only aggravate heartburn. Try eating more bland foods. This can be hard during pregnancy, especially if you are craving a lot of spicy foods.
Baking Soda
Cream of Tarter
Soda Crackers