Recommended Stock Books
- Study the best to be the bestbusiness charts with buy image by Andrew Brown from
Top traders have studied their craft and, fortunately, have committed their thoughts to paper. Take advantage of their success by studying some of the best books on the subject of stock trading and your trading skill should improve as a result. - Where fortunes are madewall street with flag image by Tomasz Cebo from
Read "Trader Vic: Methods Of A Wall Street Master" to learn sound methods of technical analysis as well as how to combine this with statistical analysis for mastering the markets. Victor Sperandeo, the author, is a professional speculator and devoted student of the stock markets who rose through the ranks to become one of the most respected money managers on Wall Street. Known as "Trader Vic," he details several successful trading methods as well key concepts for self-mastery. - Learn what makes the pros successfuldollar surrounded by euros image by Olena Turovtseva from
Study the book "Market Wizards" by Jack Schwager, which details the beginnings and methods of the best traders in the world. Schwager not only interviews legends such as Paul Tudor Jones and Ed Seykota but gets some of the greatest currency traders, stock pickers and day traders in the world to open up about their approaches to the market. Many consider this pick to be the premier case study compilation of successful traders to study no matter what market you trade. - "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator" was written by Edwin Lefevre, who many stock market historians consider to be a fictional account of the greatest stock trader of all time, Jesse Livermore. Livermore was called the "Bear Of Wall Street" after he made over $100 million in a single day, which also happened to be day of the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929. This fictional account parallels Livermore's humble beginnings to become a giant on Wall Street, where his methods are studied even today. While a fictional account, the book details important insights into the tremendous mental fortitude and discipline that he possessed.
The Wall Street Master
Market Wizards
The Greatest Trader of All Time