How to Avoid Getting Upper Lip Wrinkles
By the time most of us begin to think about wrinkles, it is too late - the damage has been done.
The truth is that most of the damage that occurs to our skin, especially on our face, is our own fault and can be avoided by living healthier and saner lives.
If you are starting to see upper lip wrinkles, or you fear that they may be in your future, here are some steps that you can take that will immediately put a stop to them.
Upper lip wrinkles are extremely small creases around the upper lip that are often not noticed.
On a man, they are not noticed at all, but when a woman wears lipstick, the cream and oils from the lipstick can seep into the wrinkles, creating a strange, frightening look.
It is important for any woman who wears lipstick to take care of the upper lip wrinkles before they get out of hand.
The reasons why we get these are extremely varied, but you will find the most severe upper lip wrinkles on people who have smoked all of their lives.
After years of pursing their lips and subjecting the surrounding skin to the drying air of the cigarette, the skin around the lips loses its natural moisture and starts to wrinkle.
You can almost identify a smoker by the look of their lips.
The sun doesn't do your upper lip wrinkles any favors, either.
If you have spent a lot of time in the sun, all of your skin will lose moisture and elasticity.
Add to that the fact that we are all fighting gravity every day of our lives, and it should come as no surprise that we are all starting to wrinkle.
Finally, one of the main causes of these wrinkles is actually the food that we eat.
If you eat an unhealthy diet, and if you are living in a constant state of dehydration (like almost half of our population), then you will find that your skin wrinkles before its time.
Poor nutrition and inadequate amounts of water serve to reduce the elasticity and collagen in the lips and surrounding areas, and create wrinkles.
As we get older, we get dryer, and those wrinkles simply become much more pronounced.
There are ways to eliminate the wrinkles after you get them, but if you are wise, you will take care of your face so that you don't get them in the first place.
The truth is that most of the damage that occurs to our skin, especially on our face, is our own fault and can be avoided by living healthier and saner lives.
If you are starting to see upper lip wrinkles, or you fear that they may be in your future, here are some steps that you can take that will immediately put a stop to them.
Upper lip wrinkles are extremely small creases around the upper lip that are often not noticed.
On a man, they are not noticed at all, but when a woman wears lipstick, the cream and oils from the lipstick can seep into the wrinkles, creating a strange, frightening look.
It is important for any woman who wears lipstick to take care of the upper lip wrinkles before they get out of hand.
The reasons why we get these are extremely varied, but you will find the most severe upper lip wrinkles on people who have smoked all of their lives.
After years of pursing their lips and subjecting the surrounding skin to the drying air of the cigarette, the skin around the lips loses its natural moisture and starts to wrinkle.
You can almost identify a smoker by the look of their lips.
The sun doesn't do your upper lip wrinkles any favors, either.
If you have spent a lot of time in the sun, all of your skin will lose moisture and elasticity.
Add to that the fact that we are all fighting gravity every day of our lives, and it should come as no surprise that we are all starting to wrinkle.
Finally, one of the main causes of these wrinkles is actually the food that we eat.
If you eat an unhealthy diet, and if you are living in a constant state of dehydration (like almost half of our population), then you will find that your skin wrinkles before its time.
Poor nutrition and inadequate amounts of water serve to reduce the elasticity and collagen in the lips and surrounding areas, and create wrinkles.
As we get older, we get dryer, and those wrinkles simply become much more pronounced.
There are ways to eliminate the wrinkles after you get them, but if you are wise, you will take care of your face so that you don't get them in the first place.