Blizzident Tailored Toothbrush
You can't blame us for being a little skeptical about the new Blizzident custom-tailored toothbrush. Six seconds to brush your teeth? Come on! We're not letting our natural hesitance get in the way of our enthusiasm for for such developments however. We hope it's effective and useful.
According to their website, the Bilizzident toothbrush allows you to clean all of your teeth and your tongue in six seconds. How does it work? First, it looks like a night guard with bristles and it's suggested that you bite briskly on it 10 to 15 times. The bristles sit at a 45 degree angle to your teeth and this motion allows them, according to Bilzzident, to accomplish a full tooth-brushing in that short amount of time.
Blizzident claims that the biting motion accomplishes the often-suggested Modified Bass brushing technique which helps loosen up food particles and plaque. Blizzident says their brush also performs the crucial sub-gingival cleaning better than traditional hand techniques for brushing. Keep in mind: this is all happening in six seconds.
Blizzident's instructions also call for a grinding motion both left to right and back to front. This takes care of the equally-important Fones brushing technique which cleans the tooth surfaces. The final stage of opening your mouth to remove the device will clean out excess €dirt€ as they call it on the Blizzident site.
Flossing can be accomplished at the same time. The Blizzident brush has holes throughout the mechanism where you can string floss and take care of that task as well. Their site explains that hand flossing often results in gum damage as the flosser applies the wrong type of pressure especially in hard-to-reach places.
You're probably wondering how the Blizzident custom toothbrush is able to accomplish so much in so little time with such great accuracy. Each toothbrush is custom-tailored to your specifications from either an impression (we often find them to be a bit gooey) or from an iTero scan which can be accomplished at dentists across the country. Either way, your individual toothbrush is designed exactly for your mouth.
This precise customization is key to many of the benefits of Bilizzident. For example, the treatment of the gum lines is wholly dependent on accurate placement of bristles based upon the unique design of your mouth. In addition, the placement of the floss holes allows the flossing to happen in such a way that more consistent results are achieved.
We believe that the consistency resulting from the Blizzident toothbrush is one of the greatest features that's going to yield some of the best benefits. It's no secret that even the best brushers and most fastidious flossers are often lazy or sloppy in their execution. It's difficult to hit the gum line along your molars at a 45 degree angle and we've all struggled trying to get a piece of floss between a couple of tight teeth. It can also be tough to maintain that brisk Bass technique when you're brushing at the end of a long day and it's pretty easy to postpone flossing when you're tired. The Blizzident appears to offer better results for less time and effort.
Speaking of time, let's do a little math here and see how much time you can save in a year. Let's assume we all follow our dentists' instructions and spend a total of 6 minutes brushing each day. That comes out to about 36.5 hours per year. If you use the Blizzident for a year at 12 seconds per day that comes out to around 73 minutes. Let's say it saves you 35 hours per year. How would you spend that time?
Cost is also a consideration and this device isn't free. One toothbrush lasts one year and it costs $299 from the manufacturer. You should factor in the costs of impressions and imaging as well. Each additional brush is $160 thereafter. You're not going to recoup the cost in saved tooth brushes but you might appreciate the saved time. As results come in from more people using the Blizzident we may also find that you'll save as much as it improves your teeth.
The jury is still out on the Blizzident but we're excited to see how it performs. If it helps you save time at home and money at the dentist we want to know.
Do you use the Blizzident toothbrush or are you a dentist whose patients have tried it? We want to hear about your experience.
According to their website, the Bilizzident toothbrush allows you to clean all of your teeth and your tongue in six seconds. How does it work? First, it looks like a night guard with bristles and it's suggested that you bite briskly on it 10 to 15 times. The bristles sit at a 45 degree angle to your teeth and this motion allows them, according to Bilzzident, to accomplish a full tooth-brushing in that short amount of time.
Blizzident claims that the biting motion accomplishes the often-suggested Modified Bass brushing technique which helps loosen up food particles and plaque. Blizzident says their brush also performs the crucial sub-gingival cleaning better than traditional hand techniques for brushing. Keep in mind: this is all happening in six seconds.
Blizzident's instructions also call for a grinding motion both left to right and back to front. This takes care of the equally-important Fones brushing technique which cleans the tooth surfaces. The final stage of opening your mouth to remove the device will clean out excess €dirt€ as they call it on the Blizzident site.
Flossing can be accomplished at the same time. The Blizzident brush has holes throughout the mechanism where you can string floss and take care of that task as well. Their site explains that hand flossing often results in gum damage as the flosser applies the wrong type of pressure especially in hard-to-reach places.
You're probably wondering how the Blizzident custom toothbrush is able to accomplish so much in so little time with such great accuracy. Each toothbrush is custom-tailored to your specifications from either an impression (we often find them to be a bit gooey) or from an iTero scan which can be accomplished at dentists across the country. Either way, your individual toothbrush is designed exactly for your mouth.
This precise customization is key to many of the benefits of Bilizzident. For example, the treatment of the gum lines is wholly dependent on accurate placement of bristles based upon the unique design of your mouth. In addition, the placement of the floss holes allows the flossing to happen in such a way that more consistent results are achieved.
We believe that the consistency resulting from the Blizzident toothbrush is one of the greatest features that's going to yield some of the best benefits. It's no secret that even the best brushers and most fastidious flossers are often lazy or sloppy in their execution. It's difficult to hit the gum line along your molars at a 45 degree angle and we've all struggled trying to get a piece of floss between a couple of tight teeth. It can also be tough to maintain that brisk Bass technique when you're brushing at the end of a long day and it's pretty easy to postpone flossing when you're tired. The Blizzident appears to offer better results for less time and effort.
Speaking of time, let's do a little math here and see how much time you can save in a year. Let's assume we all follow our dentists' instructions and spend a total of 6 minutes brushing each day. That comes out to about 36.5 hours per year. If you use the Blizzident for a year at 12 seconds per day that comes out to around 73 minutes. Let's say it saves you 35 hours per year. How would you spend that time?
Cost is also a consideration and this device isn't free. One toothbrush lasts one year and it costs $299 from the manufacturer. You should factor in the costs of impressions and imaging as well. Each additional brush is $160 thereafter. You're not going to recoup the cost in saved tooth brushes but you might appreciate the saved time. As results come in from more people using the Blizzident we may also find that you'll save as much as it improves your teeth.
The jury is still out on the Blizzident but we're excited to see how it performs. If it helps you save time at home and money at the dentist we want to know.
Do you use the Blizzident toothbrush or are you a dentist whose patients have tried it? We want to hear about your experience.