How to Prune Jasmine Plants
- 1). Prune after the flowers have faded in the spring. Jasmines flower on the previous year's growth; that includes the shoots that form after flowering. Pinch back their tips to encourage lateral growth and get more buds.
- 2). Cut back any vertical shoots in ground covers; this encourages horizontal growth for greater spread. Cut vines before they grow too heavy for their supports; remove 1/3 of vine stems at the base or cut all vines back 1/3 for optimal growth. Use the same 1/3 rule of thumb for jasmine shrubs.
- 3). Cut back to live growth when pruning dead wood--insects feed on dead wood. Cut just above a growing bud and angle downward, away from the top of the bud.
- 4). Leave container-grown vines unpruned for their first year to get them established, but cut the primary stems back to encourage lateral branching.
- 5). Cut back bare-root plants no more than 1/4 before they are planted. This gives the new jasmine vine balance between below- and above-ground growth. Trim off damaged or dead stems or roots before planting.