The Law of Attraction Is an Inside Job - Secrets Tricks for Maximizing the LOA
Since we were young we were taught that achieving goals is the result of hard work, diligence, and perseverance.
We were taught to go after what we want with a pit bull mentality, doing whatever it takes to finally get what we desire, and stopping at nothing until the goal is achieved.
Naturally, we believe that the law of attraction works in the same way.
So we "try our best" to manifest our desires, but we often end up with the same situations we had before we came to the teaching.
As a result, people often wonder why the law of attraction isn't working in their lives.
I always respond by telling them that the law of attraction IS working, whether they are conscious of it or not.
But perhaps the reason they are not attracting what they desire is because they are focusing on doing, rather than being.
Being, from a conventional standpoint, points to what is going on within us.
It is an "inner working" so to speak, and it alone dictates what you can and cannot manifest into your reality.
Many times we aren't even aware of the true nature of our inner being.
So we end up with situations that seem despicable from our conscious viewpoint, but represent perfectly what is happening within.
The law of attraction is a mirror.
It can only give you what you already are.
So we must first take care of our inner state before our outer state can improve.
Now the obvious question is HOW? How do we "take care of our inner state?" The first step is to admit to yourself that things may not be as perfect as they seem.
This first step is where most people turn back, because it is the hardest part of the process.
Admitting to yourself that you need work takes courage.
But once you do it, you can take the steps necessary to remedy the situation.
You then have to look closely within.
Look at your beliefs and attitudes and decide if they adequately reflect who you are.
Do they represent your BEST self? Are they good enough to call your own? Why would you believe something that doesn't advance your life and serve to advantage you in every way possible? You wouldn't buy a car if you knew that it wasn't the best deal you could get would you? Of course not! Then why do we sell ourselves short when it comes to the attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts that we think on a daily basis? You have to really ask yourself these types of self-revealing questions, especially if you intend to become better with the law of attraction.
The next step is to monitor your thoughts.
This will be a tough process at first, but it will get easier.
In the beginning you have to be adamant about it.
You have to be a detective, and you have to be absolutely honest with yourself.
Don't deceive yourself and don't lie.
Instead, admit what you're thinking and choose whether or not you want it to represent who you are.
If your thoughts don't align with what you hope to attract, then drop them.
We were taught to go after what we want with a pit bull mentality, doing whatever it takes to finally get what we desire, and stopping at nothing until the goal is achieved.
Naturally, we believe that the law of attraction works in the same way.
So we "try our best" to manifest our desires, but we often end up with the same situations we had before we came to the teaching.
As a result, people often wonder why the law of attraction isn't working in their lives.
I always respond by telling them that the law of attraction IS working, whether they are conscious of it or not.
But perhaps the reason they are not attracting what they desire is because they are focusing on doing, rather than being.
Being, from a conventional standpoint, points to what is going on within us.
It is an "inner working" so to speak, and it alone dictates what you can and cannot manifest into your reality.
Many times we aren't even aware of the true nature of our inner being.
So we end up with situations that seem despicable from our conscious viewpoint, but represent perfectly what is happening within.
The law of attraction is a mirror.
It can only give you what you already are.
So we must first take care of our inner state before our outer state can improve.
Now the obvious question is HOW? How do we "take care of our inner state?" The first step is to admit to yourself that things may not be as perfect as they seem.
This first step is where most people turn back, because it is the hardest part of the process.
Admitting to yourself that you need work takes courage.
But once you do it, you can take the steps necessary to remedy the situation.
You then have to look closely within.
Look at your beliefs and attitudes and decide if they adequately reflect who you are.
Do they represent your BEST self? Are they good enough to call your own? Why would you believe something that doesn't advance your life and serve to advantage you in every way possible? You wouldn't buy a car if you knew that it wasn't the best deal you could get would you? Of course not! Then why do we sell ourselves short when it comes to the attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts that we think on a daily basis? You have to really ask yourself these types of self-revealing questions, especially if you intend to become better with the law of attraction.
The next step is to monitor your thoughts.
This will be a tough process at first, but it will get easier.
In the beginning you have to be adamant about it.
You have to be a detective, and you have to be absolutely honest with yourself.
Don't deceive yourself and don't lie.
Instead, admit what you're thinking and choose whether or not you want it to represent who you are.
If your thoughts don't align with what you hope to attract, then drop them.