Types Of Mattresses - An Overview
If it's been a little while since you bought a bed, the huge variety of mattress options on the market may be a surprise. Once you only had to worry about soft, medium and firm. Now, there are mattresses designed to help people with bad backs, joint pain, insomnia, and all kinds of problems. There are space age memory foam mattresses, natural latex mattresses that are supposed to help the environment, and all kinds of other products.
It can make mattress shopping a really difficult prospect. Fortunately, you don't have to go into mattress shopping blind. A little bit of basic information can do a lot for your ability to buy the right one. Here are some of the most popular types of mattresses and a little bit of information about them.
Innerspring Mattresses
These mattresses are the old fashioned kind you're probably used to seeing. They work by having a number of encapsulated metal springs inside to help support your body. That doesn't mean that the mattresses aren't as high quality as the more expensive models on the market. There are carefully engineered innerspring mattresses that can be durable, comfortable, and last you for years. Pillow tops, reinforced edges, and other features make modern innersprings a lot better than their predecessors.
Memory Foam Mattresses
Made from a special type of foam originally designed to help astronauts, and then used to cushion hospital patients, memory foam mattresses have some special properties. A good quality one offers firm support, softness where you need it, and no movement, no matter what your bedmate is doing. These mattresses are especially useful for people with joint and back problems, but they do come with a higher price tag.
Latex Foam Mattresses
These foam mattresses are made mostly from natural latex, instead of petroleum foams, though it's not possible to avoid a little petroleum foam in their manufacture. They can be made in a more environmentally friendly fashion than memory foam, and share a few of the same characteristics. Latex foam has been around for a lot longer, and is a comfortable, high end choice for mattresses. Make sure you research before you buy.
Hybrid Mattresses
Innerspring mattresses using various layers of memory foam, latex foam, and other high end materials are also becoming more common. These hybrid mattresses seek to offer the benefits of those materials without the price. Just make sure you check the thickness of the foam before you buy. Some hybrids use specialty foams in name only.
Airbed Mattresses
A little less common, high end airbeds are an excellent choice for people who don't want a lot of bulk to move. These mattresses pack down small, and offer far more comfort and convenience than the camping airbeds you may be familiar with. They often cost about the same as a regular mattress, and offer a few unique sleeping benefits. The big drawback is that unless treated carefully, these mattresses can break.
It can make mattress shopping a really difficult prospect. Fortunately, you don't have to go into mattress shopping blind. A little bit of basic information can do a lot for your ability to buy the right one. Here are some of the most popular types of mattresses and a little bit of information about them.
Innerspring Mattresses
These mattresses are the old fashioned kind you're probably used to seeing. They work by having a number of encapsulated metal springs inside to help support your body. That doesn't mean that the mattresses aren't as high quality as the more expensive models on the market. There are carefully engineered innerspring mattresses that can be durable, comfortable, and last you for years. Pillow tops, reinforced edges, and other features make modern innersprings a lot better than their predecessors.
Memory Foam Mattresses
Made from a special type of foam originally designed to help astronauts, and then used to cushion hospital patients, memory foam mattresses have some special properties. A good quality one offers firm support, softness where you need it, and no movement, no matter what your bedmate is doing. These mattresses are especially useful for people with joint and back problems, but they do come with a higher price tag.
Latex Foam Mattresses
These foam mattresses are made mostly from natural latex, instead of petroleum foams, though it's not possible to avoid a little petroleum foam in their manufacture. They can be made in a more environmentally friendly fashion than memory foam, and share a few of the same characteristics. Latex foam has been around for a lot longer, and is a comfortable, high end choice for mattresses. Make sure you research before you buy.
Hybrid Mattresses
Innerspring mattresses using various layers of memory foam, latex foam, and other high end materials are also becoming more common. These hybrid mattresses seek to offer the benefits of those materials without the price. Just make sure you check the thickness of the foam before you buy. Some hybrids use specialty foams in name only.
Airbed Mattresses
A little less common, high end airbeds are an excellent choice for people who don't want a lot of bulk to move. These mattresses pack down small, and offer far more comfort and convenience than the camping airbeds you may be familiar with. They often cost about the same as a regular mattress, and offer a few unique sleeping benefits. The big drawback is that unless treated carefully, these mattresses can break.