Developing Psychic Abilities - Unleashing Your God Given Gifts for Good
Lots of people will often ask, when they see me spending time working on my craft - "Well, if you are so psychic, why would you need to have to practice to get better?"This always makes me chuckle to myself, and shows that even in today's day and age, and even amongst believers, people still misunderstand the true nature of psychic phenomena.
As I have often said, and many have said before me, we all have certain hardwired psychic gifts.
Some people work on them more diligently, are more naturally observant of their surroundings and are more focused and present in each moment.
Attention is a very simple, yet key ingredient for developing your psychic skill set.
You will often see certain latent psychic talents manifest either during, or after a prolonged period of meditation.
Many of the ancient wisdom traditions, including much of Buddhist and Hindu philosophy and the esoteric schools of Judaism (Kaballah) speak of the natural progression of psychic insight as a direct benefit of meditation practice.
Interestingly, while each of these wisdom teachings point in different directions for much of their dogma and practice, they share common ground in that they preach a disciplined mediator will actualize many forms of latent spiritual energy, including detailed descriptions of psychic skills the meditator should expect to develop.
In this sense, even the most new age psychic you will find shares this common thread:An active practice of some form of meditative insight is an integral part of a good psychic's professional (or amateur) practice.
Think of it no differently than a gifted athlete, one born with great physical blessings - no great professional athlete has been borne of a great body only..
:-)It requires hard work and the desire to reach down deep to access the very best you have to offer.
A good psychic will employ the same desire for self improvement.
Other things you can practice to get in touch with your intuition? Empathy and a genuine sense of love for your fellow man will get your much further, even with less developed talent, than the psychic who is very skilled, yet is angry and cares not for her neighbor.
A keen sense of observational detail is very important as well, as again, to be able to pick up on little nuances around us plays a big part in piecing together parts of the puzzle that might not be readily available to a less astute ( or interested ) reader.
Lastly, you just need to look at the whole thing as a great big adventure, a journey into the unknown!If you think you have all of the answers, all of the time, you will never pick up anything new.
And a good psychic is no different than anyone else.
And open mind and a sense of adventure are integral to the journey!
As I have often said, and many have said before me, we all have certain hardwired psychic gifts.
Some people work on them more diligently, are more naturally observant of their surroundings and are more focused and present in each moment.
Attention is a very simple, yet key ingredient for developing your psychic skill set.
You will often see certain latent psychic talents manifest either during, or after a prolonged period of meditation.
Many of the ancient wisdom traditions, including much of Buddhist and Hindu philosophy and the esoteric schools of Judaism (Kaballah) speak of the natural progression of psychic insight as a direct benefit of meditation practice.
Interestingly, while each of these wisdom teachings point in different directions for much of their dogma and practice, they share common ground in that they preach a disciplined mediator will actualize many forms of latent spiritual energy, including detailed descriptions of psychic skills the meditator should expect to develop.
In this sense, even the most new age psychic you will find shares this common thread:An active practice of some form of meditative insight is an integral part of a good psychic's professional (or amateur) practice.
Think of it no differently than a gifted athlete, one born with great physical blessings - no great professional athlete has been borne of a great body only..
:-)It requires hard work and the desire to reach down deep to access the very best you have to offer.
A good psychic will employ the same desire for self improvement.
Other things you can practice to get in touch with your intuition? Empathy and a genuine sense of love for your fellow man will get your much further, even with less developed talent, than the psychic who is very skilled, yet is angry and cares not for her neighbor.
A keen sense of observational detail is very important as well, as again, to be able to pick up on little nuances around us plays a big part in piecing together parts of the puzzle that might not be readily available to a less astute ( or interested ) reader.
Lastly, you just need to look at the whole thing as a great big adventure, a journey into the unknown!If you think you have all of the answers, all of the time, you will never pick up anything new.
And a good psychic is no different than anyone else.
And open mind and a sense of adventure are integral to the journey!