What's the reason for the season? Is it to make me sad that another year has passed.
Is it to look back at my failure past.
Is it meant to torment me because I can't do for the kids, Or is it for me to just feel inadequate when I see the neighbors Christmas lights go up.
Is it to remind me I still haven't reached my dreams, we couldn't even afford the shortcake forget the icecream.
Why does the holiday push me to depression, When the devil teaches he teaches a real lesson.
What is the reason for the season? I don't feel jolly, I don't have a real tree, my kids didn't even ask for anything out of respect for me.
The shop just closed the doors, who I am and what I know is no more!
JD: Hey friend, how's it going, Merry Christmas to you and yours, why so sad, it's Jesus birthday we should all be glad!
You have no reason, come on man this is the season. Not because your rich and drive a fast car, But because your blessed and know who you are!!
People lose jobs everyday, that's a common test to test your FAITH!
But the REASON said I come that you might have life more abundantly!
You couldn't give the kids what they wanted, I know it hurts, But they had a roof and they had you, that's worth all the money in the earth!
Let the worries of this life go for a second and think of the REASON.
The REASON- Brings Peace
The REASON- Brings Joy
The REASON- Brings Prosperity
The REASON- Brings Good Health
You know if we thought of the REASON a little more than just on Dec.25th IT'S AMAZING HOW OUR LIVES WOULD CHANGE!!!!!
It was a rough year guys!!! But remember Jesus is the REASON for the season so celebrate anyways he is in control stop worrying!!!
Everybody have a blessed New Year!!!
Jevon D. Hayter
Is it to look back at my failure past.
Is it meant to torment me because I can't do for the kids, Or is it for me to just feel inadequate when I see the neighbors Christmas lights go up.
Is it to remind me I still haven't reached my dreams, we couldn't even afford the shortcake forget the icecream.
Why does the holiday push me to depression, When the devil teaches he teaches a real lesson.
What is the reason for the season? I don't feel jolly, I don't have a real tree, my kids didn't even ask for anything out of respect for me.
The shop just closed the doors, who I am and what I know is no more!
JD: Hey friend, how's it going, Merry Christmas to you and yours, why so sad, it's Jesus birthday we should all be glad!
You have no reason, come on man this is the season. Not because your rich and drive a fast car, But because your blessed and know who you are!!
People lose jobs everyday, that's a common test to test your FAITH!
But the REASON said I come that you might have life more abundantly!
You couldn't give the kids what they wanted, I know it hurts, But they had a roof and they had you, that's worth all the money in the earth!
Let the worries of this life go for a second and think of the REASON.
The REASON- Brings Peace
The REASON- Brings Joy
The REASON- Brings Prosperity
The REASON- Brings Good Health
You know if we thought of the REASON a little more than just on Dec.25th IT'S AMAZING HOW OUR LIVES WOULD CHANGE!!!!!
It was a rough year guys!!! But remember Jesus is the REASON for the season so celebrate anyways he is in control stop worrying!!!
Everybody have a blessed New Year!!!
Jevon D. Hayter