Making Money From Miniature Gardens
Miniature Japanese Gardens are a recent innovation in home business or money making programmes.
On a surface measuring no more than 12 by 8 inches, you can create a miracle of nature using miniature plants, shrubs and flowers and green moss representing grass.
The garden itself can be greatly enhanced by using model landscaping such as bridges, streams and the occasional figure in the garden itself.
The dwarf plants, once planted, should live along time without growing much bigger.
The garden could also have a model house inset of course.
Miniature cactus gardens are also a viable option as well.
Both forms of miniature gardens can be sold through garden centres, car boots & markets as well as craft markets & shops.
Miniature rock gardens constructed in hand hewn troughs or on rock slabs were first developed over 1000 years ago in Asia particularly in China and Japan and then brought to England in the 1820s and the 1830s.
They are also known as sink gardens in England.
In China, the art of creating miniature landscapes in a container is called Penjing.
Getting started Try setting your miniature gardens in earthenware bowls, dishes or trays.
You can also use a stone trough, or even a glass bottle to grow your garden in.
Put some broken bits of flowerpot and some small rocks at the bottom of your container and then fill it with some soft brown earth.
This bottom layer of rocks will ensure that your plants will not become water logged.
Now set some small plants in your garden.
Be careful that these should be such plant varieties that are either dwarf or slow growing.
You could even plant coriander or green pepper and keep it small by regular pruning.
Decorate your miniature garden with gravel, small pebbles, miniature boulders, driftwood, seashells or other items, some of which can be just normal household items.
You could even make a fence around your garden with small twigs or toothpicks.
And stones could be arranged as a rockery or to give the impression of small caves and hills.
Your miniature garden will need to be kept in a bright, sunny spot like on a windowsill and must be watered regularly.
But don't give them too much water, as this will damage them.
And don't forget to weed them as well.
Miniature gardens are intriguing as well as cute.
They capture the atmosphere and magnificence inherent in a natural landscape and create a place which encourages beauty and imagination together.
Moreover, in a miniature garden, plants are closer to eye level and so easier to appreciate.
Minature gardening will give you both an absorbing hobby and a profitable business that pays well in respect of your patience & skill.
On a surface measuring no more than 12 by 8 inches, you can create a miracle of nature using miniature plants, shrubs and flowers and green moss representing grass.
The garden itself can be greatly enhanced by using model landscaping such as bridges, streams and the occasional figure in the garden itself.
The dwarf plants, once planted, should live along time without growing much bigger.
The garden could also have a model house inset of course.
Miniature cactus gardens are also a viable option as well.
Both forms of miniature gardens can be sold through garden centres, car boots & markets as well as craft markets & shops.
Miniature rock gardens constructed in hand hewn troughs or on rock slabs were first developed over 1000 years ago in Asia particularly in China and Japan and then brought to England in the 1820s and the 1830s.
They are also known as sink gardens in England.
In China, the art of creating miniature landscapes in a container is called Penjing.
Getting started Try setting your miniature gardens in earthenware bowls, dishes or trays.
You can also use a stone trough, or even a glass bottle to grow your garden in.
Put some broken bits of flowerpot and some small rocks at the bottom of your container and then fill it with some soft brown earth.
This bottom layer of rocks will ensure that your plants will not become water logged.
Now set some small plants in your garden.
Be careful that these should be such plant varieties that are either dwarf or slow growing.
You could even plant coriander or green pepper and keep it small by regular pruning.
Decorate your miniature garden with gravel, small pebbles, miniature boulders, driftwood, seashells or other items, some of which can be just normal household items.
You could even make a fence around your garden with small twigs or toothpicks.
And stones could be arranged as a rockery or to give the impression of small caves and hills.
Your miniature garden will need to be kept in a bright, sunny spot like on a windowsill and must be watered regularly.
But don't give them too much water, as this will damage them.
And don't forget to weed them as well.
Miniature gardens are intriguing as well as cute.
They capture the atmosphere and magnificence inherent in a natural landscape and create a place which encourages beauty and imagination together.
Moreover, in a miniature garden, plants are closer to eye level and so easier to appreciate.
Minature gardening will give you both an absorbing hobby and a profitable business that pays well in respect of your patience & skill.