Infant Carrier Information
- A pouch sling is exactly what it sounds like---a pouch of fabric that holds your baby. Worn over one shoulder, a pouch sling is custom sized for the wearer, so you won't be able to share it with your spouse. Pouches come in an endless variety of patterns and fabrics, and are ideal for carrying a newborn. The pouch's fabric keeps the baby covered in the cradle position. Also use it to carry an infant facing out or on your hip. These are easy to put on and pop a baby into, and they take up little room in your diaper bag. Hotslings are a popular pouch, and they sold for $39 in 2009.
- Wraps are essentially a long, wide piece of fabric that can be twisted, tied and draped to fit anybody perfectly. Because they are so big, they offer a lot of support for parent and baby. Using a wrap, you can carry your baby facing in or out, on your side and on your back. As an added bonus, when not in use, the wrap can be used as a blanket or shade. There is a definite learning curve to using a wrap, and the popular Moby Wrap even comes with DVD to help you learn how to use it. In 2009, the Moby and DVD retailed for $39.95.
- Based on ancient Chinese carriers, the mei tai consists of long, sometimes padded, shoulder and waist straps and a panel of fabric that holds the baby. Mei tais are very supportive, easy to wear and distribute your baby's weight evenly. They can be customized for each wearer, and your baby can be worn on the front or back. Prices started around $79 in 2009.
- This is the most familiar type of carrier. Soft structured carriers are easy to put on, but they can be difficult to adjust between wearers. Babies can usually be worn on the front or back, and some of these carriers allow your baby to face in or out. These carriers also help distribute baby's weight evenly. Popular brands are the Beco Butterfly, Baby Bjorn and Ergo. In 2009, the Beco Butterfly sold for $140.
- According to pediatrician Dr. Sears, "Carried babies fuss less and spend more time in the state of quiet alertness, the behavior state in which babies learn most about their environment." Carriers also make it easy to breast feed, soothe your baby and multitask.
Pouch Sling
Mei Tai
Soft Structured Carrier