You Must Have the Faith of a Child - Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17
Mark 10:15 (New King James Version) 15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.
" Luke 18:17 (New King James Version) 17 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.
" The faith of an adult and the faith of a child.
One of the main differences between an adult and a child is that when you are a child you don't cook, you don't go to work and you have someone else doing all the thinking for you.
Life as a child sees you having a house in which to live with no expenses, food on the table three times a day and fun times with friends in the meantime.
As adults we have all the opposite.
We have the stress of having to work to earn an income.
We have to put the dinner on the table,and life cannot be spent just playing with friends.
We have to prioritize what we do with our time.
The more we play, the less money we have.
The more we work the more money we have.
The world we live in is full of information and Christian books and technology and Mp3's and DVDs and all manner of things for a person to grow in the faith.
But few adults approach the Christian life as a child.
We like to search out information and we get an idea that we want to know something and we search for the answer.
An example in my life.
At one time the Lord Jesus gave me the three gifts of word of knowledge, prophecy and words of wisdom.
I exercised them for a number of years and learned more and more about the gifts as I took a practical lesson off the Holy Spirit.
I had no human teacher.
I was like a child and was learning directly as the Holy Spirit and Jesus gave me messages to deliver to strangers and to people I know, and things went fine.
Then came the time when I wanted to know more about the gifts that I had already been given and the other nine gifts as well, so I went in search of a book on the gifts and spent heaps of my time reading in Christian bookstores and having much disappointment.
To judge a book I simply looked up word of knowledge or prophesy in a book and read what they had to say on it.
I figured if it taught me nothing on those two gifts then the information would be no good on the other seven gifts.
I looked for over two years for a book as an adult with adult faith.
Faith as a child One day I gave up the search and told the Lord I was not going to look for a book on that subject anymore.
If there did exist a book He'd have to bring it to me.
One day I went to a street outreach where one of the guys came up to me and said, "Have a look at this book.
" The title was "Gifts of the Holy Spirit", and it was by Dr D.
S Dhinkaran, an Indian Apostle.
I asked my friend if it was a good book, and he told me it was awesome.
I quickly read a little and I had to agree.
I went out to a little shop 40 minutes away on the train and bought the book.
I learned a lot from that book, and it is the only book that I recommend these days.
You see child like faith brings food to your table.
Adults decide on what topic they want to learn and go to a bookshop to try to find a book on that particular subject.
But child like faith allows the Holy Spirit to find the scriptures that you need to know each day.
When He wants a book to teach you something, He causes you to simply stumble across a book all about the subject of which you need to learn.
The food is most often the Word of God.
If you would pray for at least an half hour before reading the Word and ask the Holy Spirit where you should read in the Bible, you will find that the Holy Spirit will serve up the scriptures and open your ears to understanding of those scriptures.
Psalm 16:7 (New King James Version) 7 I will bless the LORD who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
The heart is the spirit of a man and that is where the Holy Spirit speaks to us.
It is the LORD that gives us counsel regarding the ways we should go and the ways we should act.
It's the Holy Spirit that is our Teacher, not men.
1 John 2:27 (New King James Version) 27 But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.
The Holy Spirit is the Teacher and we do not need men to instruct us.
If we trust the Holy Spirit like a child would trust His parents to feed him, then we will find ourselves learning much more from Him than from men.
This goes for careers, friends, churches and all decisions.
We like to be adults and in charge of what happens to us, but having faith like a child is allowing God to lead us through the Holy Spirit.
If you pray instead of making decisions on your own, you will find that God answers your prayers acts according to His will.
Then your heart will be instructed in the night seasons by either God speaking to your spirit or even in a dream.
If we allow the Holy Spirit to direct us we will get good counsel, but if we do it ourselves then we rely on our own faulty ways.
The spirit works through the heart as I said: Proverbs 3:5 (New King James Version) 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; This means not to follow your mind and its ways but be like a child and let your spirit direct you through your heart.
Allow the Holy Spirit to direct you through scripture before you make decisions.
The Lord will look after you.
He promises if you have the faith of a child you will enter into His Kingdom.
It's time to go with your heart and be a child rather then living like an adult in your mind.
" Luke 18:17 (New King James Version) 17 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.
" The faith of an adult and the faith of a child.
One of the main differences between an adult and a child is that when you are a child you don't cook, you don't go to work and you have someone else doing all the thinking for you.
Life as a child sees you having a house in which to live with no expenses, food on the table three times a day and fun times with friends in the meantime.
As adults we have all the opposite.
We have the stress of having to work to earn an income.
We have to put the dinner on the table,and life cannot be spent just playing with friends.
We have to prioritize what we do with our time.
The more we play, the less money we have.
The more we work the more money we have.
The world we live in is full of information and Christian books and technology and Mp3's and DVDs and all manner of things for a person to grow in the faith.
But few adults approach the Christian life as a child.
We like to search out information and we get an idea that we want to know something and we search for the answer.
An example in my life.
At one time the Lord Jesus gave me the three gifts of word of knowledge, prophecy and words of wisdom.
I exercised them for a number of years and learned more and more about the gifts as I took a practical lesson off the Holy Spirit.
I had no human teacher.
I was like a child and was learning directly as the Holy Spirit and Jesus gave me messages to deliver to strangers and to people I know, and things went fine.
Then came the time when I wanted to know more about the gifts that I had already been given and the other nine gifts as well, so I went in search of a book on the gifts and spent heaps of my time reading in Christian bookstores and having much disappointment.
To judge a book I simply looked up word of knowledge or prophesy in a book and read what they had to say on it.
I figured if it taught me nothing on those two gifts then the information would be no good on the other seven gifts.
I looked for over two years for a book as an adult with adult faith.
Faith as a child One day I gave up the search and told the Lord I was not going to look for a book on that subject anymore.
If there did exist a book He'd have to bring it to me.
One day I went to a street outreach where one of the guys came up to me and said, "Have a look at this book.
" The title was "Gifts of the Holy Spirit", and it was by Dr D.
S Dhinkaran, an Indian Apostle.
I asked my friend if it was a good book, and he told me it was awesome.
I quickly read a little and I had to agree.
I went out to a little shop 40 minutes away on the train and bought the book.
I learned a lot from that book, and it is the only book that I recommend these days.
You see child like faith brings food to your table.
Adults decide on what topic they want to learn and go to a bookshop to try to find a book on that particular subject.
But child like faith allows the Holy Spirit to find the scriptures that you need to know each day.
When He wants a book to teach you something, He causes you to simply stumble across a book all about the subject of which you need to learn.
The food is most often the Word of God.
If you would pray for at least an half hour before reading the Word and ask the Holy Spirit where you should read in the Bible, you will find that the Holy Spirit will serve up the scriptures and open your ears to understanding of those scriptures.
Psalm 16:7 (New King James Version) 7 I will bless the LORD who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
The heart is the spirit of a man and that is where the Holy Spirit speaks to us.
It is the LORD that gives us counsel regarding the ways we should go and the ways we should act.
It's the Holy Spirit that is our Teacher, not men.
1 John 2:27 (New King James Version) 27 But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.
The Holy Spirit is the Teacher and we do not need men to instruct us.
If we trust the Holy Spirit like a child would trust His parents to feed him, then we will find ourselves learning much more from Him than from men.
This goes for careers, friends, churches and all decisions.
We like to be adults and in charge of what happens to us, but having faith like a child is allowing God to lead us through the Holy Spirit.
If you pray instead of making decisions on your own, you will find that God answers your prayers acts according to His will.
Then your heart will be instructed in the night seasons by either God speaking to your spirit or even in a dream.
If we allow the Holy Spirit to direct us we will get good counsel, but if we do it ourselves then we rely on our own faulty ways.
The spirit works through the heart as I said: Proverbs 3:5 (New King James Version) 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; This means not to follow your mind and its ways but be like a child and let your spirit direct you through your heart.
Allow the Holy Spirit to direct you through scripture before you make decisions.
The Lord will look after you.
He promises if you have the faith of a child you will enter into His Kingdom.
It's time to go with your heart and be a child rather then living like an adult in your mind.