Circumcised or Uncircumcised - What Do Women Like?
Circumcision of males is a subject that has divided opinion forever and a day, and will continue to do so. We are talking here specifically about male circumcision of the penis, not female circumcision.
Whether there are health benefits or not is not what we will be looking at here. Briefly, though, some doctors and other so-called experts believe that cutting off the foreskin of a penis will prevent all sorts of diseases, while leaving it intact will lead to a bunch of nasty disorders. There are statistics that will back up either view, depending where you look.
But what do women think?
Guess what? Their opinions are divided down the middle. It looks like there are no real winners, so guys have to deal with the hand they are dealt (unless, of course, they are uncircumcised adults who make the decision to have the operation later in life for whatever reason - sometimes it is medically essential, e.g. if the foreskin will not retract for normal sexual function).
One woman once said to me that she hated uncircumcised penises because they looked ugly. I told her that she had a repulsive mole on her face, but at least an uncircumcised penis is usually not on public display. In fact, how long does a women sit and stare at her partner's member? Not long enough for the "unattractive penis" argument to be valid. Nevertheless, women who hold similar views often have circumcised partners and are not familiar with the natural version.
Another factor affecting such surveys is country of origin and religious persuasion. European women are more used to men with foreskins, and are quite happy with that, thank you very much. People in Europe are civilized enough to realize that it is essential to wash behind the foreskin, and cases of penile problems are very low indeed in Europe. In the United States and Australia, however, the practice of male circumcision is more widespread, and women in these countries tend to go for the cut penis. And for certain religions and cultures, circumcision is a normal practice.
Some arguments are put forward as far as sexual performance and sensation are concerned by women favoring one form of penis over the other.
Why circumcised is better for sex:
• Easier to fit a condom on a circumcised male. This leads to less fumbling about which can "kill the moment" for some women. It can be better to get the condom on quickly.
• Condoms can slip off uncircumcised penises more easily
• The foreskin can slide about too much, causing awkward sensations during intercourse
• Easier and more pleasurable to perform oral sex on the make partner
• Ejaculation is more intense - uncircumcised men can dribble
• Pubic hair can become stuck between the head of the penis and the foreskin, causing pain for the guy and uneasiness for the girl
• Circumcised penis is always cleaner and sex can be more "spur of the moment" without the guy needing to wash beforehand
Why uncircumcised is better for sex:
• Easier to masturbate male partner due to foreskin sliding back and forth without restriction
• Greater sensitivity for both male and female
• Awareness their man is "whole" enhances overall experience
• Greater sensation when performing oral sex on the male
• More variety possible when masturbating male
• Men are more sensitive with their foreskins intact, and their increased pleasure and sensitivity heightens the same feeling for women
• The foreskin is retracted quite often during sex, so visually it is no different from a circumcised penis
So, the reasons why women prefer one type of penis to the other can be the same, or quite different. If you are a male, it should not be a relationship maker or breaker if you are circumcised or not. Most sexually active women in 2011 have had experience with both kinds of equipment and are more than happy with both - just as long as it functions as intended.
Whether there are health benefits or not is not what we will be looking at here. Briefly, though, some doctors and other so-called experts believe that cutting off the foreskin of a penis will prevent all sorts of diseases, while leaving it intact will lead to a bunch of nasty disorders. There are statistics that will back up either view, depending where you look.
But what do women think?
Guess what? Their opinions are divided down the middle. It looks like there are no real winners, so guys have to deal with the hand they are dealt (unless, of course, they are uncircumcised adults who make the decision to have the operation later in life for whatever reason - sometimes it is medically essential, e.g. if the foreskin will not retract for normal sexual function).
One woman once said to me that she hated uncircumcised penises because they looked ugly. I told her that she had a repulsive mole on her face, but at least an uncircumcised penis is usually not on public display. In fact, how long does a women sit and stare at her partner's member? Not long enough for the "unattractive penis" argument to be valid. Nevertheless, women who hold similar views often have circumcised partners and are not familiar with the natural version.
Another factor affecting such surveys is country of origin and religious persuasion. European women are more used to men with foreskins, and are quite happy with that, thank you very much. People in Europe are civilized enough to realize that it is essential to wash behind the foreskin, and cases of penile problems are very low indeed in Europe. In the United States and Australia, however, the practice of male circumcision is more widespread, and women in these countries tend to go for the cut penis. And for certain religions and cultures, circumcision is a normal practice.
Some arguments are put forward as far as sexual performance and sensation are concerned by women favoring one form of penis over the other.
Why circumcised is better for sex:
• Easier to fit a condom on a circumcised male. This leads to less fumbling about which can "kill the moment" for some women. It can be better to get the condom on quickly.
• Condoms can slip off uncircumcised penises more easily
• The foreskin can slide about too much, causing awkward sensations during intercourse
• Easier and more pleasurable to perform oral sex on the make partner
• Ejaculation is more intense - uncircumcised men can dribble
• Pubic hair can become stuck between the head of the penis and the foreskin, causing pain for the guy and uneasiness for the girl
• Circumcised penis is always cleaner and sex can be more "spur of the moment" without the guy needing to wash beforehand
Why uncircumcised is better for sex:
• Easier to masturbate male partner due to foreskin sliding back and forth without restriction
• Greater sensitivity for both male and female
• Awareness their man is "whole" enhances overall experience
• Greater sensation when performing oral sex on the male
• More variety possible when masturbating male
• Men are more sensitive with their foreskins intact, and their increased pleasure and sensitivity heightens the same feeling for women
• The foreskin is retracted quite often during sex, so visually it is no different from a circumcised penis
So, the reasons why women prefer one type of penis to the other can be the same, or quite different. If you are a male, it should not be a relationship maker or breaker if you are circumcised or not. Most sexually active women in 2011 have had experience with both kinds of equipment and are more than happy with both - just as long as it functions as intended.