Christening Favor Ideas
- Purchase miniature cross-, dove- or angel-shaped stencils or a scrapbook paper punch in one of these shapes to make your own stencil. If making your own stencil, simply punch the decorative design on a small piece of card stock. Center the stencil on the side of a clear glass votive holder, and stencil using white acrylic enamel paint. Put a tealight candle inside. Purchase 12-inch round tulle circles in white, or cut your own. Using your computer, print a tag with your child's name, the date of the christening and an appropriate Bible verse for the occasion. Punch a hole in one end of the tag. Cut a 12-inch piece of 1/4-inch-wide white or silver ribbon. Set the votive holder in the center of a tulle circle, and gather the edges up over the top with your hands. Tie the ribbon around the gathers to secure. Thread a ribbon end through the hole on the tag and tie it in a bow.
- Print a special wrapper to cover a 1.55 oz. Hershey bar. The wrapper needs to be a 5 1/2-inch wide by 6-inch long piece of card stock. Before you cut the card stock, center your child's name, date of the christening, a Bible verse and religious clip art, within the 2-inch middle of the needed measurement, using your favorite card shop program. Print the card stock and cut the wrapper dimensions. Wrap the favor wrapper around the candy bar and tape with Scotch tape. The printed message will be centered on the top of the candy bar. Note: You also can use scrapbook stamps and supplies to decorate your candy bar wrapper.
- Purchase packets of your favorite flower seeds or buy a variety for each guest favor. To make each favor, print a card stock tag with your child's name, christening date and appropriate Bible verse. Also include the phrase "Watch me as I grow in Christ's love." Punch a hole in the tag and also in the top of the seed packet. Cut a 12-inch piece of 1/4-inch wide white or silver ribbon, and thread it through the holes, attaching the tag and seed packet together. Tie the ribbon in a bow.
Painted Cross Votive Holder and Candle
Christening Candy Bar Wrapper
Flower Seed Packet Christening Favor