Make Money Online and Be a Full Time Mom
I always wanted to be a full time mom, but at the same time I needed to make money.
I tried to work outside the home, but that definitely did not fit into my vision of being a mom.
My children hated it when I could not be there when they needed or wanted me, so I needed to find an alternative to making money.
So having a computer and an internet connection I figured I could make money online.
Where would I begin? I knew nothing about making money online or where to begin.
I did a lot of research before I did anything.
I knew I did not have money to start a big online business.
I could not invest in a wholesale business.
Nor did I have room to store tons of products.
I took my time researching chat rooms and forums on making money online.
I listened to what people were saying and what mistakes they had made in starting there work at home business.
Researching was key for me to try and avoid the mistakes others had made.
So after extensive research I decided affiliate marketing was the way I would go.
I could sell other peoples products for free and make huge commissions.
I needed to find a ready made business that I could promote that had all the web design and products included.
That was harder than I thought.
I wanted this to be my own business.
One that I had control over that I could optimize and change according to my personality.
Most of the ready made turnkey websites could not be altered.
I definitely did not want a cookie cutter site that there were ten thousand other sites just like it.
Search engines hated sites like that.
I would never succeed in a business model like that.
No one can.
I also needed a business that had superior support.
This was probably the biggest asset to finding a business.
I knew nothing about web design or advertising or auto-responders or html.
I was a total newbie.
I needed some one to take me by the hand and spell everything out to me, step by step.
Today you do this.
Tomorrow you do that and so on and so on.
I basically need to be told, "Do this and you will make money online.
" That is how green I was and sometimes still am.
I did not have time to play at learning a business for I needed to replace my income right away.
If I were to quit my job, to be home with my children, I had to have a business ready to pull income in quickly.
The research I had done early on paid off.
Going into forums, such as the Warrior Forum, I was able to find a perfect business model for me.
They had a Plug-in Profits section that had tons of people just like me.
The people in there seemed sincere in there willingness to help each other succeed.
The people in that section wanted everyone to help out.
Some of the internets top gurus were in there actually caring that you succeeded.
Today I do consider myself a success story.
My business runs pretty much on auto-pilot and the money has more than replaced my income from my job.
The sky is the limit when it comes to making money online.
I now have several different websites and each month seems to double the last month's income.
From my first site, I have learned so much.
I was fortunate to have started where I did.
I hear of so many people failing at trying to make money online it makes me feel so bad for them.
I only wish they had found what I had.
Today I am a full time mom and loving every minute of it.
My children are so happy knowing that I am there for them.
Our time with our children is so short.
I do not want to miss out on any of there joys or there struggles.
Even my husband, who is an engineer, is thinking of walking away from his career to join me in making money online.
We will be totally debt free by the end of this year.
With my husband joining in on this internet business our income will skyrocket.
We will also be able to all vacation when we want as a whole family.
This is why I make money online.
I am free to be me and free to be a full time mom.
I tried to work outside the home, but that definitely did not fit into my vision of being a mom.
My children hated it when I could not be there when they needed or wanted me, so I needed to find an alternative to making money.
So having a computer and an internet connection I figured I could make money online.
Where would I begin? I knew nothing about making money online or where to begin.
I did a lot of research before I did anything.
I knew I did not have money to start a big online business.
I could not invest in a wholesale business.
Nor did I have room to store tons of products.
I took my time researching chat rooms and forums on making money online.
I listened to what people were saying and what mistakes they had made in starting there work at home business.
Researching was key for me to try and avoid the mistakes others had made.
So after extensive research I decided affiliate marketing was the way I would go.
I could sell other peoples products for free and make huge commissions.
I needed to find a ready made business that I could promote that had all the web design and products included.
That was harder than I thought.
I wanted this to be my own business.
One that I had control over that I could optimize and change according to my personality.
Most of the ready made turnkey websites could not be altered.
I definitely did not want a cookie cutter site that there were ten thousand other sites just like it.
Search engines hated sites like that.
I would never succeed in a business model like that.
No one can.
I also needed a business that had superior support.
This was probably the biggest asset to finding a business.
I knew nothing about web design or advertising or auto-responders or html.
I was a total newbie.
I needed some one to take me by the hand and spell everything out to me, step by step.
Today you do this.
Tomorrow you do that and so on and so on.
I basically need to be told, "Do this and you will make money online.
" That is how green I was and sometimes still am.
I did not have time to play at learning a business for I needed to replace my income right away.
If I were to quit my job, to be home with my children, I had to have a business ready to pull income in quickly.
The research I had done early on paid off.
Going into forums, such as the Warrior Forum, I was able to find a perfect business model for me.
They had a Plug-in Profits section that had tons of people just like me.
The people in there seemed sincere in there willingness to help each other succeed.
The people in that section wanted everyone to help out.
Some of the internets top gurus were in there actually caring that you succeeded.
Today I do consider myself a success story.
My business runs pretty much on auto-pilot and the money has more than replaced my income from my job.
The sky is the limit when it comes to making money online.
I now have several different websites and each month seems to double the last month's income.
From my first site, I have learned so much.
I was fortunate to have started where I did.
I hear of so many people failing at trying to make money online it makes me feel so bad for them.
I only wish they had found what I had.
Today I am a full time mom and loving every minute of it.
My children are so happy knowing that I am there for them.
Our time with our children is so short.
I do not want to miss out on any of there joys or there struggles.
Even my husband, who is an engineer, is thinking of walking away from his career to join me in making money online.
We will be totally debt free by the end of this year.
With my husband joining in on this internet business our income will skyrocket.
We will also be able to all vacation when we want as a whole family.
This is why I make money online.
I am free to be me and free to be a full time mom.