Should All Small Businesses Lay Off One Person to Get the Attention of Congress?
It seems to me that the small business community is getting a shaft from the federal government in Washington DC.
Every time I turn around there is a new rule or regulation in just about every single industry that I keep track of, and I'm trying to figure out how on earth America is going to reduce its unemployment rates if we keep making it difficult for businesses to hire people, expand their businesses, or turn a profit.
Now, the Obama Administration says that it must raise the debt ceiling because the government cannot live within its means.
And since they need more and more money for all their socialist programs they want to raise everyone's taxes, especially those that make over $200,000 a year.
Last time I checked that was most of the small business owners that I know.
If a small business owner is paying more in taxes, he cannot buy new equipment or expand his operations, or open a new store.
Therefore he won't need to hire any more workers, in fact he should probably lay some off.
It seems that workers in large corporations, or government employees that happened to work for a union can demand more money, more benefits, and in the case of government employees more cost to the taxpayer anytime they want by going on strike, or threatening to not fund Democratic reelection campaigns for state offices, Congressmen, or the executive branch of the federal government.
And what we do is we tax the ever living crap out of our small business community which is holding up the fort and providing 60% of the jobs in America.
What can small businesses do? Well, why don't they go on strike, and why doesn't every small business in this country lay off one person, and every small business in this country file an extension for their taxes, until the very last moment.
This will cause our unemployment rates to go well past 25%, and take the federal government's tax revenues and cut them in half.
Then the small business community can demand reduced regulations, reduced harassment, and tell government to stay out of the way of free enterprise.
Do I think this could work? Absolutely, and it's working in every other nation that's ever done it.
The independent truck drivers have done it and had regulations reduced in China even.
Did you know 10% of the people in the United States run their own small business? Do you realize the impact the small businesses have on this country? Now I ask you; why is the federal government giving small companies shaft? That's unacceptable in this great country.
And therefore it's time that they stood up for themselves, and made a big statement.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
Every time I turn around there is a new rule or regulation in just about every single industry that I keep track of, and I'm trying to figure out how on earth America is going to reduce its unemployment rates if we keep making it difficult for businesses to hire people, expand their businesses, or turn a profit.
Now, the Obama Administration says that it must raise the debt ceiling because the government cannot live within its means.
And since they need more and more money for all their socialist programs they want to raise everyone's taxes, especially those that make over $200,000 a year.
Last time I checked that was most of the small business owners that I know.
If a small business owner is paying more in taxes, he cannot buy new equipment or expand his operations, or open a new store.
Therefore he won't need to hire any more workers, in fact he should probably lay some off.
It seems that workers in large corporations, or government employees that happened to work for a union can demand more money, more benefits, and in the case of government employees more cost to the taxpayer anytime they want by going on strike, or threatening to not fund Democratic reelection campaigns for state offices, Congressmen, or the executive branch of the federal government.
And what we do is we tax the ever living crap out of our small business community which is holding up the fort and providing 60% of the jobs in America.
What can small businesses do? Well, why don't they go on strike, and why doesn't every small business in this country lay off one person, and every small business in this country file an extension for their taxes, until the very last moment.
This will cause our unemployment rates to go well past 25%, and take the federal government's tax revenues and cut them in half.
Then the small business community can demand reduced regulations, reduced harassment, and tell government to stay out of the way of free enterprise.
Do I think this could work? Absolutely, and it's working in every other nation that's ever done it.
The independent truck drivers have done it and had regulations reduced in China even.
Did you know 10% of the people in the United States run their own small business? Do you realize the impact the small businesses have on this country? Now I ask you; why is the federal government giving small companies shaft? That's unacceptable in this great country.
And therefore it's time that they stood up for themselves, and made a big statement.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.