Kentucky Deer Hunting Seasons
- Hunting with archery equipment is allowed in any zone from the first Saturday in September through the third Monday in January. Hunting with a crossbow is allowed statewide during any season when a firearm can be used; from October 1 through the end of the third full weekend in October; and from the second Saturday in November through December 31.
- Hunting with modern firearms is allowed statewide starting with the second Saturday in November and lasts for 16 consecutive days in Zones 1 and 2 and 10 consecutive days in Zones 3 and 4. Hunting with a muzzle-loading gun is allowed statewide; and for two additional consecutive days beginning the third Saturday in October and nine consecutive days beginning the second Saturday in December.
- Youth (defined as someone under 16 on the date of hunt) may also hunt statewide with firearms for two consecutive days beginning on the second Saturday in October. Youth without a license can hunt statewide using archery equipment, firearms, or crossbows for two consecutive days beginning on the Saturday after Christmas.
- The season limit in Zone 1 is one antlered deer and an unlimited number of antlerless deer. The limit in Zone 2 in one antlered deer and up to three antlerless deer, or no antlered deer and four antlerless deer. In Zone 3, the limit is four of any type of deer - but only two can be killed with a firearm. The Zone 4 limit is one antlered deer and up to three antlerless deer; or no antlered deer and four antlerless deer - but only one deer of any kind can be taken with a firearm.
- Zone 1 is made up of Anderson, Ballard, Boone, Bracken, Bullitt, Calloway, Campbell, Carlisle, Carroll, Christian, Crittenden, Franklin, Fulton, Gallatin, Grant, Graves, Hardin, Harrison, Hart, Henry, Hickman, Jefferson, Kenton, Livingston, Lyon, Marshall, McCracken, Nelson, Oldham, Owen, Pendleton, Robertson, Scott, Shelby, Spencer, Trigg, Trimble, Washington, and Woodford counties.
Zone 2 is made up of Adair, Allen, Barren, Bourbon, Boyd, Butler, Caldwell, Carter, Cumberland, Daviess, Edmonson, Fayette, Fleming, Green, Greenup, Hancock, Henderson, Hopkins, Jessamine, Larue, Lawrence, Lewis, Logan, Marion, Mason, McLean, Mercer, Metcalfe, Monroe, Muhlenberg, Nicholas, Ohio, Rowan, Simpson, Taylor, Todd, Union, Warren, and Webster counties.
Zone 3 is made up of Bath, Boyle, Breckinridge, Casey, Clark, Clinton, Elliott, Estill, Garrard, Grayson, Johnson, Knox, Laurel, Lee, Lincoln, Madison, Meade, Menifee, Montgomery, Morgan, Powell, Russell, Whitley, and Wolfe counties.
Zone 4 is made up of Bell, Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Harlan, Jackson, Knott, Leslie, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, McCreary, Owsley, Perry, Pike, Pulaski, Rockcastle, and Wayne counties.
Archery season
Hunting with firearms
Youth hunting seasons
Season limits
Zones by county