Stop Anxiety and Depression - 10 Tips to Be Positive and Happier
Yes it's understandable; thousands of reasons can thwart our happiness.
As we look the world around us, crime, violence, disasters, economic slowdown, hatred, wars, death, sickness, separation and divorce are some of the reasons why happiness is hard to find.
Laughing does not guarantee that someone is happy.
Many agree that even in laughter the heart maybe in pain.
Undeniably, many are being negative, feeling worthless, depress and to the point of losing their hope.
Below are some tips on how to be positive and be happier; 1) Positive mind-set Our mind can be like a computer, whatever you save in it, that is what you deserve.
We can download software, delete or restore programs and many things it can do for us.
The mind is the same.
If we want to be joyful then download happy things in it.
But if we always dwell on negative thoughts, for sure we are what we feed our brain.
So why not delete negative programs and download positive thoughts in your mind? To be positive needs quality time to meditate.
Meditation can relax your mind and can give you serenity and calmness.
Meditation includes pondering the damaging results of being sad and depress.
Thinking that depression can put your physical health at risk, can affect your mental judgment, can become emotionally weak and most of all can steal your bright future and your happiness.
2) Find friends and be with them.
You might say friends are hard to find.
Again don't forget the above that if you set your mind that you cannot find friends, you will never find one.
Actually anyone can be a friend of yours if you will just be a friend to them.
Remember, a friend is a lover, someone who will love you and share your life, someone whom you can talk to and pour your heart, someone who will listen and understands.
Is it not happier to have someone to share your life? 3) Find enjoyable things to do What is your favourite hobby? Do you like to play guitar, ball games, writing or etc? Things enjoyable to others may not be the same with you.
So do things that you feel is delightful.
4) Don't put yourself into a sad situation Stay in a safe place; try to be free of blame and accusation.
Do good things to others, respect them, be kind, be generous and be friendly.
Then you will enjoy a good conscience and develop more confidence in you dealing with others.
5) Be modest Modesty means accepting your limitations.
Don't be a perfectionist to yourself.
No one is perfect.
We all do wrong at times.
We forgive ourselves same way as we forgive others.
Being modest will help you not to feel guilty and be sound in mind.
Feeling of guilt can rob you from being happy.
6) Association Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.
So don't stay with friends who are sad and negative.
Associate with positive people.
Association may include books, music, movies and anything you deal with everyday.
Be careful that these will not trigger your feeling of sadness.
Choose positive association for yourself.
7) Don't dwell on your past Yes if sad memories flashes back, quickly bring your mind to the present.
Don't let yourself be a prisoner of yesterday.
Your freedom depends on you.
Let your past become a lesson that you have already learned and you don't need it anymore.
You are moving forward to another level of life.
8) Stand up The reason of your sadness is like a muddy ground where you slipped.
Imagine how do you feel and look like while sinking in the deep mud.
Are you going to stay there by the way or are you standing up and bath yourself and be clean again? Or will you say, since you stumble down you will stay there forever.
Nothing better will you get from that mud.
Stand up and clean that mud-like depression in you.
9) Learn to be contented and satisfied This may involve being contented with money, job, family, properties, skills, looks, and gifts.
To be satisfied of what you have, can simplify your life and can lessen your stress.
If you want more than what you possibly can achieve, you will just complicate your life and add more to your frustration.
10) View your tomorrow with confidence Yes, just as the rain comes after the sun, a ray of hope awaits for you somewhere along the way.
Bear in mind, whatever you will plant at present, tomorrow you will be reaping a reward.
Negative thinking is like weeds that can ruin your garden and will not give you anything good at all.
Pull them away, replace them with positive seeds and gradually you expect small twigs of hope to emerge.
Water, cultivate and fertilize them.
Then and only then you can view your tomorrow with confidence.
As we look the world around us, crime, violence, disasters, economic slowdown, hatred, wars, death, sickness, separation and divorce are some of the reasons why happiness is hard to find.
Laughing does not guarantee that someone is happy.
Many agree that even in laughter the heart maybe in pain.
Undeniably, many are being negative, feeling worthless, depress and to the point of losing their hope.
Below are some tips on how to be positive and be happier; 1) Positive mind-set Our mind can be like a computer, whatever you save in it, that is what you deserve.
We can download software, delete or restore programs and many things it can do for us.
The mind is the same.
If we want to be joyful then download happy things in it.
But if we always dwell on negative thoughts, for sure we are what we feed our brain.
So why not delete negative programs and download positive thoughts in your mind? To be positive needs quality time to meditate.
Meditation can relax your mind and can give you serenity and calmness.
Meditation includes pondering the damaging results of being sad and depress.
Thinking that depression can put your physical health at risk, can affect your mental judgment, can become emotionally weak and most of all can steal your bright future and your happiness.
2) Find friends and be with them.
You might say friends are hard to find.
Again don't forget the above that if you set your mind that you cannot find friends, you will never find one.
Actually anyone can be a friend of yours if you will just be a friend to them.
Remember, a friend is a lover, someone who will love you and share your life, someone whom you can talk to and pour your heart, someone who will listen and understands.
Is it not happier to have someone to share your life? 3) Find enjoyable things to do What is your favourite hobby? Do you like to play guitar, ball games, writing or etc? Things enjoyable to others may not be the same with you.
So do things that you feel is delightful.
4) Don't put yourself into a sad situation Stay in a safe place; try to be free of blame and accusation.
Do good things to others, respect them, be kind, be generous and be friendly.
Then you will enjoy a good conscience and develop more confidence in you dealing with others.
5) Be modest Modesty means accepting your limitations.
Don't be a perfectionist to yourself.
No one is perfect.
We all do wrong at times.
We forgive ourselves same way as we forgive others.
Being modest will help you not to feel guilty and be sound in mind.
Feeling of guilt can rob you from being happy.
6) Association Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.
So don't stay with friends who are sad and negative.
Associate with positive people.
Association may include books, music, movies and anything you deal with everyday.
Be careful that these will not trigger your feeling of sadness.
Choose positive association for yourself.
7) Don't dwell on your past Yes if sad memories flashes back, quickly bring your mind to the present.
Don't let yourself be a prisoner of yesterday.
Your freedom depends on you.
Let your past become a lesson that you have already learned and you don't need it anymore.
You are moving forward to another level of life.
8) Stand up The reason of your sadness is like a muddy ground where you slipped.
Imagine how do you feel and look like while sinking in the deep mud.
Are you going to stay there by the way or are you standing up and bath yourself and be clean again? Or will you say, since you stumble down you will stay there forever.
Nothing better will you get from that mud.
Stand up and clean that mud-like depression in you.
9) Learn to be contented and satisfied This may involve being contented with money, job, family, properties, skills, looks, and gifts.
To be satisfied of what you have, can simplify your life and can lessen your stress.
If you want more than what you possibly can achieve, you will just complicate your life and add more to your frustration.
10) View your tomorrow with confidence Yes, just as the rain comes after the sun, a ray of hope awaits for you somewhere along the way.
Bear in mind, whatever you will plant at present, tomorrow you will be reaping a reward.
Negative thinking is like weeds that can ruin your garden and will not give you anything good at all.
Pull them away, replace them with positive seeds and gradually you expect small twigs of hope to emerge.
Water, cultivate and fertilize them.
Then and only then you can view your tomorrow with confidence.