LinkedIn Tips to Connect With People Who Misspell Your Name
Are you linked in? What I really mean is, are you on LinkedIn, the number one professional social media networking site? If you are a true professional in whatever your industry and a person who wants to connect with others, here are a few tips to keep in mind: Type in common misspellings of your name in your Summary field of your LinkedIn profile.
This will allow people who are searching for you and spell your name incorrectly to find you.
This is what to do: 1.
Log onto your LinkedIn Home page 2.
Click the Profile button (You will need to click the minus icon to the right of Profile) 3.
Click the "Edit My Profile" icon 4.
Click the "Edit" beside "Summary", which is under the area with the blue background 5.
In the "Summary" field type in several common misspellings of your name along with whatever else you would normally place in the field.
Remember that this field is a "free form text" area, so you are able to just type away.
When completed, click "Save Changes".
You may not think it is such a big deal, but I once was located by a consulting client looking for me who misspelled my last name.
The result was me landing a six figure contract because I followed the above LinkedIn tip.
If you are out to attract prospective customers, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about social media.
This will allow people who are searching for you and spell your name incorrectly to find you.
This is what to do: 1.
Log onto your LinkedIn Home page 2.
Click the Profile button (You will need to click the minus icon to the right of Profile) 3.
Click the "Edit My Profile" icon 4.
Click the "Edit" beside "Summary", which is under the area with the blue background 5.
In the "Summary" field type in several common misspellings of your name along with whatever else you would normally place in the field.
Remember that this field is a "free form text" area, so you are able to just type away.
When completed, click "Save Changes".
You may not think it is such a big deal, but I once was located by a consulting client looking for me who misspelled my last name.
The result was me landing a six figure contract because I followed the above LinkedIn tip.
If you are out to attract prospective customers, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about social media.