Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend - Tips and Advice
So you just lost your girlfriend.
First of all I know how you feel.
Every one of us has gone through this at least once in their lives.
You feel hearth-broken, empty and a little bit angry at the same time.
You probably have only one question on your mind all the time "What have I done wrong?".
Well it really doesn't matter now.
Don't waste your time answering this question.
It might have not even been your fault that you broke up.
The only question that matters now is, "How do I get my girlfriend back?".
But first, you have to ask yourself an important question.
"Do I still want her back?" Have a good thought about the answer.
Because if you don't love her anymore then there is no point in trying to get her back.
Even if you would manage to get her back the relationship would crush again very soon.
Very often relationships end up for a good reason, the partners are simply incompatible.
But if you can answer this question immediately and say "Yes, I love my girlfriend and I will do anything to get her back!" and you know that you broke up because of something stupid but your girlfriend is the right one for you and you are compatible then there is a big chance you can still get back together.
It is also extremely important that you want your girlfriend back because of who she is, and not because you simply miss "having a girlfriend" and showing off with her in front of your friends.
Now, that you answered the most important questions and you are still 100% sure you want your girlfriend back we can move on to the next important question.
"How to get your ex girlfriend back?" Now, female psychology is a complicated thing that we, men, will never understand.
What might seem like a very good step from your perspective might make you look silly in her eyes.
The very common mistake that over 50% of guys do immediately after a break up is that they start "bombarding" their ex girlfriends.
They send 100 messages everyday saying how sorry they are and they beg her to reconsider the relationship.
What this method does though is the complete opposite.
It will just push your ex girlfriend further away from you and annoy her.
As hard as it might seem you have to stay tough.
Don't run into the first bar and get wasted.
We all know how little the next step is from there to waking up next to a girl you never saw in your life.
Yes, this method might make you forget about your ex girlfriend for one day but then you will feel ever so guilty for what you have done.
Instead of looking for consolation at the bottom of a whisky bottle or with another girl you have to start taking action straight away! Otherwise it might be too late.
Yes I know, I still did not give you an exact "How to" answer.
Well I am sorry to disappoint you if you expected a single sentence, magic answer.
There is no such thing.
The act of getting a girlfriend back is a complete process; it might take a day or a month or even longer in some cases.
Now after reading this you will immediately close this page if you do NOT love your girlfriend.
You are still reading this only if you really DO love your girlfriend.
If this is your case I admire you.
You understand that getting her back will take some time and effort and won't be a matter of one phone call or a magic formula, yet you are still interested.
You are a good man, you will be a good boyfriend and you will get your girlfriend back almost definitely if she is not blind.
First of all I know how you feel.
Every one of us has gone through this at least once in their lives.
You feel hearth-broken, empty and a little bit angry at the same time.
You probably have only one question on your mind all the time "What have I done wrong?".
Well it really doesn't matter now.
Don't waste your time answering this question.
It might have not even been your fault that you broke up.
The only question that matters now is, "How do I get my girlfriend back?".
But first, you have to ask yourself an important question.
"Do I still want her back?" Have a good thought about the answer.
Because if you don't love her anymore then there is no point in trying to get her back.
Even if you would manage to get her back the relationship would crush again very soon.
Very often relationships end up for a good reason, the partners are simply incompatible.
But if you can answer this question immediately and say "Yes, I love my girlfriend and I will do anything to get her back!" and you know that you broke up because of something stupid but your girlfriend is the right one for you and you are compatible then there is a big chance you can still get back together.
It is also extremely important that you want your girlfriend back because of who she is, and not because you simply miss "having a girlfriend" and showing off with her in front of your friends.
Now, that you answered the most important questions and you are still 100% sure you want your girlfriend back we can move on to the next important question.
"How to get your ex girlfriend back?" Now, female psychology is a complicated thing that we, men, will never understand.
What might seem like a very good step from your perspective might make you look silly in her eyes.
The very common mistake that over 50% of guys do immediately after a break up is that they start "bombarding" their ex girlfriends.
They send 100 messages everyday saying how sorry they are and they beg her to reconsider the relationship.
What this method does though is the complete opposite.
It will just push your ex girlfriend further away from you and annoy her.
As hard as it might seem you have to stay tough.
Don't run into the first bar and get wasted.
We all know how little the next step is from there to waking up next to a girl you never saw in your life.
Yes, this method might make you forget about your ex girlfriend for one day but then you will feel ever so guilty for what you have done.
Instead of looking for consolation at the bottom of a whisky bottle or with another girl you have to start taking action straight away! Otherwise it might be too late.
Yes I know, I still did not give you an exact "How to" answer.
Well I am sorry to disappoint you if you expected a single sentence, magic answer.
There is no such thing.
The act of getting a girlfriend back is a complete process; it might take a day or a month or even longer in some cases.
Now after reading this you will immediately close this page if you do NOT love your girlfriend.
You are still reading this only if you really DO love your girlfriend.
If this is your case I admire you.
You understand that getting her back will take some time and effort and won't be a matter of one phone call or a magic formula, yet you are still interested.
You are a good man, you will be a good boyfriend and you will get your girlfriend back almost definitely if she is not blind.