Definition of IgG
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Updated February 12, 2015.
The most abundant antibody in the blood stream, responsible for fighting infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Is a marker of past infection or immunization, and remains present in the blood stream for many years. Crosses the placenta from mother to fetus, and provides the fetus with protection against common infections during the first months of life.
Also Known As: immunoglobulin G, gamma globulin
Updated February 12, 2015.
The most abundant antibody in the blood stream, responsible for fighting infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Is a marker of past infection or immunization, and remains present in the blood stream for many years. Crosses the placenta from mother to fetus, and provides the fetus with protection against common infections during the first months of life.
Also Known As: immunoglobulin G, gamma globulin