Benefits of a Skin Care Routine with Only Natural Skin Care Products
Who would ever imagine that a small creature living in your backyard could possibly supply a complete and balanced skin care ingredient? It's amusing that people all over the world recommend mixtures of tea and vegetable extracts to improve the health of skin.
Until recently, people ignored the tiny shelled creature that innately generates a skin care serum to protect and rejuvenate its own skin.
Natural skin care creams are making news everywhere we look.
All over newspapers and TV commercials are ads saying how you can treat your skin using all natural ingredients.
Everyone wants to use natural ingredients, right? What exactly are natural ingredients? What is it about these ingredients that actually provide benefits to your skin? The truth is there are no standards for marketers so they stretch the truth as to what actually is natural and what is not.
Would you prefer using all natural skin care treatments that come from a tree leaf or some other plant or an ingredient created solely for the purpose of protecting and rejuvenating skin? When snails are stressed by environmental factors or predators, they biologically produce a serum to guard its fragile skin from the sun's rays, and to maintain its skin hydrated.
When snails are poked by predators, resulting in a cracked shell, this same biological healing balm can help regenerate the shell and even their eyes and tentacles.
You may be asking why this matters to us.
Are you aware that humans and snails share many of the same skin ingredients? While we all want 100% natural skin care creams, who would have ever imagined to examine nature for a skin care solution? The snail serum is big news to us humans now because we, believe it or not, have the same connective tissues, the same collagen and elastin components, and the same water holding molecules as snails do.
When the biological healing serum is applied to human skin, it does the same for our skin's ingredients as it does for the snail.
The biological serum is packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, immune modulating molecules, enzymes, co-enzymes, antimicrobial and copper peptides and cell-communicating ingredients to guard, moisturize, and renew skin.
Imagine this, snails never have skin inflammations, that's how powerful the protective serum is.
Snails can crawl, at their slow speed mind you, over the sharpest pieces of glass and not cut themselves.
This natural, biological serum is generated inside the cells of living snails.
It is not derived from any plant or fruit.
It does not use fancy, misleading advertising to prove its worth in the natural skin care discussion.
It is a all natural product for moisturizing flaking skin.
It sets the standard as to what natural is in the whole realm of skin care.
When applied to human skin, the protective balm will fuse with skin cells and: * Eliminate damaged structures within the skin using biological enzymes * Stimulate the use of the amino acids that the enzymes undo and activates the fibroblast stem cells which favor the development of new strong connective tissues and all the elementary elements of healthy skin * Arouse the construction of the extracellular binding between cells, hence boosting skin strength, decreasing fragility.
* Restore the ability of the skin to remain hydrated by triggering the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans, the elements that give skin its capacity to keep in moisture.
* Neutralize free radicals by the action of its powerful antioxidants that also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
* Inhibit microbiological activity of manacing, pathogenic skin bacteria, including acne.
Until recently, people ignored the tiny shelled creature that innately generates a skin care serum to protect and rejuvenate its own skin.
Natural skin care creams are making news everywhere we look.
All over newspapers and TV commercials are ads saying how you can treat your skin using all natural ingredients.
Everyone wants to use natural ingredients, right? What exactly are natural ingredients? What is it about these ingredients that actually provide benefits to your skin? The truth is there are no standards for marketers so they stretch the truth as to what actually is natural and what is not.
Would you prefer using all natural skin care treatments that come from a tree leaf or some other plant or an ingredient created solely for the purpose of protecting and rejuvenating skin? When snails are stressed by environmental factors or predators, they biologically produce a serum to guard its fragile skin from the sun's rays, and to maintain its skin hydrated.
When snails are poked by predators, resulting in a cracked shell, this same biological healing balm can help regenerate the shell and even their eyes and tentacles.
You may be asking why this matters to us.
Are you aware that humans and snails share many of the same skin ingredients? While we all want 100% natural skin care creams, who would have ever imagined to examine nature for a skin care solution? The snail serum is big news to us humans now because we, believe it or not, have the same connective tissues, the same collagen and elastin components, and the same water holding molecules as snails do.
When the biological healing serum is applied to human skin, it does the same for our skin's ingredients as it does for the snail.
The biological serum is packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, immune modulating molecules, enzymes, co-enzymes, antimicrobial and copper peptides and cell-communicating ingredients to guard, moisturize, and renew skin.
Imagine this, snails never have skin inflammations, that's how powerful the protective serum is.
Snails can crawl, at their slow speed mind you, over the sharpest pieces of glass and not cut themselves.
This natural, biological serum is generated inside the cells of living snails.
It is not derived from any plant or fruit.
It does not use fancy, misleading advertising to prove its worth in the natural skin care discussion.
It is a all natural product for moisturizing flaking skin.
It sets the standard as to what natural is in the whole realm of skin care.
When applied to human skin, the protective balm will fuse with skin cells and: * Eliminate damaged structures within the skin using biological enzymes * Stimulate the use of the amino acids that the enzymes undo and activates the fibroblast stem cells which favor the development of new strong connective tissues and all the elementary elements of healthy skin * Arouse the construction of the extracellular binding between cells, hence boosting skin strength, decreasing fragility.
* Restore the ability of the skin to remain hydrated by triggering the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans, the elements that give skin its capacity to keep in moisture.
* Neutralize free radicals by the action of its powerful antioxidants that also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
* Inhibit microbiological activity of manacing, pathogenic skin bacteria, including acne.