Relatively New Herpes Treatment Can Mean No More Herpes Outbreaks Or Flare-Ups
What if there was a new Herpes treatment which eliminated Herpes outbreaks entirely? You would think it would be all over the news.
That is what I would expect.
But the news these days is jaded! People are less trusting and believing and there is a lot of justification for that.
At the same time, our perceptions are controlled and molded by commercial advertising and big business interests.
We all say we are not - but the constant exposure must reinforce what we understand to be the reality with respect to many public issues! These days anybody, including me, can get online and write about a new Herpes treatment! We might know what we are talking about, or we might have no clue.
That reality of the Internet age has made us all more wary and more careful.
If it hasn't it should have! And the mainstream media, funded by big commercial interests, tells us there is no cure for Herpes.
They tell us that our only option is to treat the symptoms, either on an on-going basis with low-dose anti-viral medications, or on an outbreak-by-outbreak basis with higher powered doses.
And this view is supported by all of the research and studies which have been performed.
And funded by whom? You guessed it - the very same commercial interests who fund the media through advertising and marketing and who researched and developed the very solution that you "must" buy! Now on the other hand - just because there might be some manipulation of medical opinion going on by the large drug companies for commercial purposes doesn't make me any more or less of an expert! For all you know I could be working for them! All I know is that some people who have the Herpes virus suffer Herpes outbreaks and some don't.
And it has very little to do with the anti-viral prescription medications.
All they do if you read the small print is to minimize the impact of the symptoms.
You can still be contagious because the virus can still activate, and you can still have Herpes outbreaks although they are likely to be less severe! What about the people who never have outbreaks? They don't rely on a new Herpes treatment in some cases, or any Herpes treatment.
What they rely on is a strong immune system and a balanced metabolism.
That combination forces the Herpes virus to remain inactive, which in turn means no more Herpes outbreaks.
The good news is that there is a relatively new Herpes treatment, which is all-natural and which has been around long enough to have proved itself effective.
This new Herpes treatment naturally boosts your immunity and balances your metabolism.
In other words it is a comprehensive holistic approach to no more Herpes outbreaks.
But don't take my word about this new Herpes treatment.
Take a look for yourself and see what you think about it!
That is what I would expect.
But the news these days is jaded! People are less trusting and believing and there is a lot of justification for that.
At the same time, our perceptions are controlled and molded by commercial advertising and big business interests.
We all say we are not - but the constant exposure must reinforce what we understand to be the reality with respect to many public issues! These days anybody, including me, can get online and write about a new Herpes treatment! We might know what we are talking about, or we might have no clue.
That reality of the Internet age has made us all more wary and more careful.
If it hasn't it should have! And the mainstream media, funded by big commercial interests, tells us there is no cure for Herpes.
They tell us that our only option is to treat the symptoms, either on an on-going basis with low-dose anti-viral medications, or on an outbreak-by-outbreak basis with higher powered doses.
And this view is supported by all of the research and studies which have been performed.
And funded by whom? You guessed it - the very same commercial interests who fund the media through advertising and marketing and who researched and developed the very solution that you "must" buy! Now on the other hand - just because there might be some manipulation of medical opinion going on by the large drug companies for commercial purposes doesn't make me any more or less of an expert! For all you know I could be working for them! All I know is that some people who have the Herpes virus suffer Herpes outbreaks and some don't.
And it has very little to do with the anti-viral prescription medications.
All they do if you read the small print is to minimize the impact of the symptoms.
You can still be contagious because the virus can still activate, and you can still have Herpes outbreaks although they are likely to be less severe! What about the people who never have outbreaks? They don't rely on a new Herpes treatment in some cases, or any Herpes treatment.
What they rely on is a strong immune system and a balanced metabolism.
That combination forces the Herpes virus to remain inactive, which in turn means no more Herpes outbreaks.
The good news is that there is a relatively new Herpes treatment, which is all-natural and which has been around long enough to have proved itself effective.
This new Herpes treatment naturally boosts your immunity and balances your metabolism.
In other words it is a comprehensive holistic approach to no more Herpes outbreaks.
But don't take my word about this new Herpes treatment.
Take a look for yourself and see what you think about it!