Using a "Total Solutions" IT Firm
There are more and more companies now that offer what are termed "total solutions packages" in Information Technology (IT) to small- and medium-size businesses (SMBs).
They offer the full range of services that you would expect from an IT firm partnering with Fortune 500 firms, tailored to a smaller size as needed.
Most can do everything from custom network design and implementation to maintenance and repair of our installations or anyone else's.
If your firm does not have an in-house IT department then youy might consider scouting around for one of these "total solutions" firms that can fulfill that role for you.
You want to find a firm that does not offer cookie-cutter solutions, but recognizes your unique needs.
They should be able to customize computers, servers and routers to design a special network environment whose implementation is straightforward and whose capabilities are perfect for your firm's goals.
It makes no sense whatsoever to have one company do your network design and implementation and another one manage those services.
It makes tremendous economic and business sense to use the same firm for the design and implementation of your network as you use to manage that network.
This will save you money, time and (especially) frustration, and you don't have time for any of those these days! The one company you need is probably out there right now, on the Internet, in the Yellow Pages or in your colleague's Rolodex.
Wherever you are on the road to business success you need the best tools and the best technology supporting your efforts.
In addition to a customized plan for your network design and implementation these "total solutions" firms offer you the most flexible and affordable management services as well.
It may be a one-person operation, or a large consultancy, but you will know the right firm when you find it.
Keep a lookout for the people who really "get" what you are doing, and then dig in and go for it.
They offer the full range of services that you would expect from an IT firm partnering with Fortune 500 firms, tailored to a smaller size as needed.
Most can do everything from custom network design and implementation to maintenance and repair of our installations or anyone else's.
If your firm does not have an in-house IT department then youy might consider scouting around for one of these "total solutions" firms that can fulfill that role for you.
You want to find a firm that does not offer cookie-cutter solutions, but recognizes your unique needs.
They should be able to customize computers, servers and routers to design a special network environment whose implementation is straightforward and whose capabilities are perfect for your firm's goals.
It makes no sense whatsoever to have one company do your network design and implementation and another one manage those services.
It makes tremendous economic and business sense to use the same firm for the design and implementation of your network as you use to manage that network.
This will save you money, time and (especially) frustration, and you don't have time for any of those these days! The one company you need is probably out there right now, on the Internet, in the Yellow Pages or in your colleague's Rolodex.
Wherever you are on the road to business success you need the best tools and the best technology supporting your efforts.
In addition to a customized plan for your network design and implementation these "total solutions" firms offer you the most flexible and affordable management services as well.
It may be a one-person operation, or a large consultancy, but you will know the right firm when you find it.
Keep a lookout for the people who really "get" what you are doing, and then dig in and go for it.