Ways to Gain Weight
I was really tired of people scoffing at my thin physique, commenting like 'Do you eat something or live only on air & water?' I was actually becoming depressed, disheartened & frustrated by hearing this.
Then I decided that I'll certainly find out ways to gain weight quickly and look good.
Though being slim & trim is considered as alluring but being under weight is certainly not.
It signifies that there is lack of essential nutrients in the body because of which you look weak & unhealthy.
And in order to gain weight, you not only have to stuff yourself with food but eat healthy and nutritious food at regular intervals.
The number of meals per day may be increased from 3 to 5.
Apart from this it is equally important to exercise daily, take sufficient rest & stay happy.
Color Therapy: It is said that the colors of light, food, clothing & surroundings have curative effect on our mind, body & soul.
Color therapy can be practiced with colored light, paints etc.
Yellow & orange color helps in gaining weight as they stimulate appetite, provide more energy & help in improving digestion.
Wear clothes of yellow & orange color.
Add this color to your food & surround yourself with these colors.
Violet and pink color should be avoided if you want to gain weight as it reduces hunger.
Yoga: Yoga is well known not only for weight reduction but is highly advantageous for increasing weight as well.
Aasans like Sirshasana (Head stand), Matsyasana (Fish pose) helps in increasing stamina and appetite, thereby, increasing weight.
Pranayam: Pranayam is gaining importance these days as it helps in curing a number of diseases.
To increase weight, practice Bhastrika, Kapal Bhati, Anulom Vilom & Baharya pranayam daily, empty stomach.
Drink a glass of milk with banana after doing this exercise.
Ayurveda: Ashwagandha (thrice a day with ghee, honey or milk), Chavanprash (daily 1 spoon with warm milk) and Khushmanda Avaleha (1 spoon with milk, twice a day) should be taken if you want to increase your weight as they help in improving digestion and increase appetite.
Home Remedies: - Have muskmelon thrice a day - Eat fruits along with milk.
Having banana thrice a day followed by milk or curd helps in gaining weight quickly.
- A hot glass of milk with one spoon of honey also helps.
- Boil some almonds, date palm & anjeer in a cup of milk & drink the milk when warm.
This helps in curing underweight problem.
- Increase the consumption of raisins, butter, rice honey etc...
For more details visit the Healthcare & Pregnancy section of Infolona (www.
Author is Ruchika Yadav, Executive at Infolona
Then I decided that I'll certainly find out ways to gain weight quickly and look good.
Though being slim & trim is considered as alluring but being under weight is certainly not.
It signifies that there is lack of essential nutrients in the body because of which you look weak & unhealthy.
And in order to gain weight, you not only have to stuff yourself with food but eat healthy and nutritious food at regular intervals.
The number of meals per day may be increased from 3 to 5.
Apart from this it is equally important to exercise daily, take sufficient rest & stay happy.
Color Therapy: It is said that the colors of light, food, clothing & surroundings have curative effect on our mind, body & soul.
Color therapy can be practiced with colored light, paints etc.
Yellow & orange color helps in gaining weight as they stimulate appetite, provide more energy & help in improving digestion.
Wear clothes of yellow & orange color.
Add this color to your food & surround yourself with these colors.
Violet and pink color should be avoided if you want to gain weight as it reduces hunger.
Yoga: Yoga is well known not only for weight reduction but is highly advantageous for increasing weight as well.
Aasans like Sirshasana (Head stand), Matsyasana (Fish pose) helps in increasing stamina and appetite, thereby, increasing weight.
Pranayam: Pranayam is gaining importance these days as it helps in curing a number of diseases.
To increase weight, practice Bhastrika, Kapal Bhati, Anulom Vilom & Baharya pranayam daily, empty stomach.
Drink a glass of milk with banana after doing this exercise.
Ayurveda: Ashwagandha (thrice a day with ghee, honey or milk), Chavanprash (daily 1 spoon with warm milk) and Khushmanda Avaleha (1 spoon with milk, twice a day) should be taken if you want to increase your weight as they help in improving digestion and increase appetite.
Home Remedies: - Have muskmelon thrice a day - Eat fruits along with milk.
Having banana thrice a day followed by milk or curd helps in gaining weight quickly.
- A hot glass of milk with one spoon of honey also helps.
- Boil some almonds, date palm & anjeer in a cup of milk & drink the milk when warm.
This helps in curing underweight problem.
- Increase the consumption of raisins, butter, rice honey etc...
For more details visit the Healthcare & Pregnancy section of Infolona (www.
Author is Ruchika Yadav, Executive at Infolona