Should You Really Take High Dose Fish Oil?
Are you among thousands of people who believe that "Bigger the Better" i.
Omega 3 benefits can be increased multifold by increase its intake -- then read on.
In this article we will find out if high dose fish oil is really needed to boost up its benefits.
Fish oil as we all know if a rich source of DHA and EPA type of omega 3 fatty acids.
Because of numerous benefits of these two essential fats, daily ingestion of fish-oil is recommended.
This means, it's the quantity of DHA and EPA present in the oil that decides the levels of benefits not the quantity of supplement.
Keep one thing in mind; you need high dose fish oil only when you are highly deficient in omega 3 or the oil you are taking has lesser amount of these fats.
Many supplements available in the market have low percentages of DHA and EPA; that is why they encourage you for high dose fish oil.
Their motto is to sell more bottles of supplements.
But what do you get at the end of the day? Probably, same amount of omega 3 fats but after shelling out more money from your pocket.
What's the point? Though there is no set amount of omega 3 fats that you should take daily.
For a healthy adult (without any pre-existing health conditions) daily intake of at least 500 mg of DHA is recommended.
Now depending on the concentration levels of DHA in your oil, you can decide your daily dosage.
It is also important to note that in the race of making money, many companies cut corners in the quality of their product; they do not follow proper refining and filtering process and hence the supplement has harmful chemicals and toxins like mercury, lead, PCBs, etc.
Obviously, consumption of these tainted supplements can be harmful.
Instead of looking for high dose fish oil, you should be looking for brands that are molecularly distilled to remove the contaminations.
Molecular distillation is the only process that filters out all the unwanted toxins from the oil and leaves behind oil that is good for your consumption and is of pharmaceutical grade.
In a nutshell, high dose fish oil is not necessary if you pick up a supplement wisely.
I personally am taking a molecular distilled, high DHA fish-oil supplement.
I daily take 560 mg of DHA through 2 soft gels (1000 mg each).
To learn more on effective supplements that can give you the desired benefits of omega 3, visit my website Omega 3 Brief.
Omega 3 benefits can be increased multifold by increase its intake -- then read on.
In this article we will find out if high dose fish oil is really needed to boost up its benefits.
Fish oil as we all know if a rich source of DHA and EPA type of omega 3 fatty acids.
Because of numerous benefits of these two essential fats, daily ingestion of fish-oil is recommended.
This means, it's the quantity of DHA and EPA present in the oil that decides the levels of benefits not the quantity of supplement.
Keep one thing in mind; you need high dose fish oil only when you are highly deficient in omega 3 or the oil you are taking has lesser amount of these fats.
Many supplements available in the market have low percentages of DHA and EPA; that is why they encourage you for high dose fish oil.
Their motto is to sell more bottles of supplements.
But what do you get at the end of the day? Probably, same amount of omega 3 fats but after shelling out more money from your pocket.
What's the point? Though there is no set amount of omega 3 fats that you should take daily.
For a healthy adult (without any pre-existing health conditions) daily intake of at least 500 mg of DHA is recommended.
Now depending on the concentration levels of DHA in your oil, you can decide your daily dosage.
It is also important to note that in the race of making money, many companies cut corners in the quality of their product; they do not follow proper refining and filtering process and hence the supplement has harmful chemicals and toxins like mercury, lead, PCBs, etc.
Obviously, consumption of these tainted supplements can be harmful.
Instead of looking for high dose fish oil, you should be looking for brands that are molecularly distilled to remove the contaminations.
Molecular distillation is the only process that filters out all the unwanted toxins from the oil and leaves behind oil that is good for your consumption and is of pharmaceutical grade.
In a nutshell, high dose fish oil is not necessary if you pick up a supplement wisely.
I personally am taking a molecular distilled, high DHA fish-oil supplement.
I daily take 560 mg of DHA through 2 soft gels (1000 mg each).
To learn more on effective supplements that can give you the desired benefits of omega 3, visit my website Omega 3 Brief.